Qassim Health Club: Statistical Report on Births and Health Care Services in Unaizah Governorate

2023-08-16 07:55:29

Qassim Health Club

King Saud Hospital, in Unaizah Governorate, issued its statistical report on the number of births and births registered in the hospital during the first half of the year 2023 AD, with a total of 1242 cases.

The Qassim Health Caucus said that the number of natural births registered in the hospital was 799, while 429 cases of cesarean section were recorded, and the number of operations in another (complicated) way that the hospital witnessed was only 6.

The gathering stated that among the number of births were 1136 Saudis, while the number was 106 births to non-Saudis, pointing out that the number of Saudi male births amounted to 604 births, while the number of Saudi female births reached 532 births.

And the Qassim Health Caucus indicated that the statistical report of the hospital during the period from January to June of this year indicated that the number of non-Saudi male births was 56, while the number of females was 50.

The semi-annual statistics of public health in Unaizah governorate showed that the number of patients benefiting from the services of primary health care centers in the governorate amounted to more than 200,000 patients during the first half of the current year 2023 AD.

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