Qantas Airways set to confirm an order for 12 A350-1000s

Qantas Airways will announce in the next few days an order forAirbus A350-1000according to the agency and the Australian press.

These long-haul aircraft will allow the Australian airline to fly nearly 20 hours direct from Sydney to London or New York as part of its “ Project Sunrise which will see Airbus A350-1000s flying non-stop from the east coast of Australia to New York or Europe by mid-2025.

The Australian regional daily The West Australian reported that this multi-billion dollar order would include, in addition to twelve A350s, twenty A321XLR et twenty A220along with options for another 106 aircraft.

In fact, last December, Qantas Airways had already indicated that it had chosen the A350-1000, instead of the Boeing 777-8, to carry out its ” Project Sunrise but she postponed announcing the order due to the Covid-19 health situation. Twelve A350-1000 would represent an order of 4.4 billion dollars (3.9 billion euros) at Airbus list price.


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