PVV leader Wilders wants Kim Putters as successor to informant Plasterk | Formation 2023

By our political editors

Feb 14, 2024 at 11:40 AM Update: 9 hours ago

PVV leader Geert Wilders wants Kim Putters (PvdA), chairman of the Social-Economic Council, as the new informant. “If the House agrees to this, then it should work,” he said in the House debate on Wednesday regarding the stalled formation.

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As the largest party, the PVV has the initiative to nominate a successor for informant Ronald Plasterk. That successor must ensure that a new formation round runs smoothly. That will be a complicated task now that NSC leader Pieter Omtzigt has resigned.

At the end of the debate, Wilders formally submits a motion for Putters’ appointment. If that motion is adopted by a majority – which is expected – Putters will officially be the new informant.

Putters has informed Wilders that he is willing to take on the task. He is currently chairman of the Social-Economic Council (SER). This is one of the most important advisory bodies to the government and the House of Representatives on socio-economic policy. Putters previously served as director of the Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP).

Putters is also no stranger to politics. He was a member of the Senate for the PvdA from 2003 to 2013. He was also a municipal councilor for many years.

Plasterk was appointed informateur in mid-December, following he had conducted a round of exploratory discussions.

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Putters must once more sit down with all parties

Wilders thinks it would be a good idea if Putters sat down with all parties once more. “We did not get around to the form of political cooperation in the previous round. This might actually be a lever to make progress,” Wilders said.

The PVV leader suggests that Putters find out what the possibilities are for political cooperation. So they should mainly talk regarding the shape of a possible cabinet. If Wilders has his way, this round should not last longer than three to four weeks.

It is the question that is currently blocking the formation, because NSC and VVD have indicated that they only want to tolerate. A normal majority cabinet therefore no longer appears to be an option at the moment.

“Despite all the differences, I am convinced that we can reach an agreement, in whatever form. Extra-parliamentary, toleration or a minority cabinet,” Wilders said.



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