Putin’s motionless right arm fuels new rumors about Kremlin rulers

Hangs limply at the side

Putin can no longer move his right arm

How healthy or sick is Putin? During a visit to the museum on Saturday, the Kremlin boss did not appear to be in full physical strength. His right arm hung lamely. It seems that Putin can no longer use the limp arm.

It’s an inconspicuous appearance, but one detail catches the eye: Russian President Vladimir Putin (69) can hardly move his right arm. The arm has been stiff for years. But now Putin hardly seems to be able to use it anymore.

On Saturday, Putin was filmed with his right arm appearing paralyzed. He has a slight limp – and keeps reaching for mosquitoes buzzing around his head. He only uses his left hand for this. His right arm hangs limp at his side. The right hand is motionless.

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