Putin’s annexation speech criticized the United States for “dropping the atomic bomb first” and shouted: Russia’s fate is my fate! | International | Newtalk News

When Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is in danger, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced at a grand ceremony in the Kremlin on September 30 that four regions of Ukraine will be merged into Russian territory, and in a 30-minute speech claimed ” The people made their choice, a clear choice.” He pointed to the fact that the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, setting a world precedent, as the country that posed a nuclear threat, and shouted “Russia’s destiny is my destiny.”

The Washington Post of the United States compiled seven key points of Putin’s speech, namely, “Ukraine must make concessions”, “The West is trying to destroy Russia”, “It is the United States that poses a nuclear threat, not Russia”, “It is the United Kingdom that destroys Nord Stream Gas” “Russia will never recognize LGBT rights”, “Russia’s destiny is my destiny”. Although the theme of this speech is eastern Ukraine 4, but most of the time Putin focused on attacking Western countries, especially the United States.

Putin expressed his welcome to Ukrainian citizens to Russia, while hinting that Moscow would never give up the annexed areas, he said: “I hope the authorities in Kyiv and their masters in the West can hear what I say. , so they will remember this, the people living in Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson are forever becoming our citizens. “

Putin emphasized that holding a referendum in the 4th district of eastern Ukraine is an inalienable right of the local people. He asked Ukraine to start peace talks, demanded that the Kyiv authorities immediately end the hostilities, end the war and return to the negotiating table, claiming that Russia is ready for this.

Putin denounced that the West had created a “neocolonial” system aimed at destroying Russia, countries that plundered India, Africa and China during the colonial period, and that these Western elites had a “century-long influence on Russia”. ‘Russophobia’ and unabashed malice, the main reason is that we did not allow Russia to be plundered by them during colonial times.”

When Putin issued a “partial mobilization order” on September 21, he threatened that Russia would use all feasible means to protect its territory, which of course included the four regions of Ukraine that had just been annexed; Russian officials also repeatedly said nothing during the war. Covertly threatened to use nuclear weapons. Putin countered in his speech that it was the United States that posed a nuclear threat to the world.

Putin accused: “The United States is the only country in the world that has used atomic weapons. They destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which, by the way, set a precedent.” It bombed many German cities to rubble, with the goal of terrifying Russia and the world like the atomic bomb dropped on Japan.

Putin called the Britons Anglo-Saxons and accused the UK of having begun to undermine Europe’s infrastructure, namely Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, which link Germany and Russia. ) Subsea Gas Pipeline. The Nord Stream natural gas pipeline jointly built by Germany and Russia was damaged by high-strength explosives. Experts from the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) believe that Russia is behind it, and the sea water will soon erode the special coating inside the pipe, which will be irreparable.

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Putin, in his speech denying gay rights in Western countries, while showing that Russia will never go down the same path, said bluntly: “Do we want children in primary schools to be imposed on these things that lead to depravity and extinction? We want to Do they know that there should be other genders besides men and women, and can they provide sex reassignment surgery for them? This is not acceptable to us.”

Putin quotes Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin: “If I think my country is Russia, that means I love, silence, think in the Russian way, I sing in the Russian way. And speaking, I believe in the spiritual strength of the Russian people and accept its historical destiny with my instinct and will.” He said: “Russia’s spirit is my spirit, its destiny is my destiny, its suffering is mine its grief, its prosperity is my joy.”

When Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is in danger, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced at a grand ceremony in the Kremlin on September 30 that four regions of Ukraine will be merged into Russian territory, and in a 30-minute speech claimed ” The people made their choice, a clear choice.” He pointed to the fact that the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, setting a world precedent, as the country that posed a nuclear threat, and shouted “Russia’s destiny is my destiny.”

The Washington Post of the United States compiled seven key points of Putin’s speech, namely, “Ukraine must make concessions”, “The West is trying to destroy Russia”, “It is the United States that poses a nuclear threat, not Russia”, “It is the United Kingdom that destroys Nord Stream natural gas” “Russia will never recognize LGBT rights”, “Russia’s destiny is my destiny”. Although the theme of this speech is eastern Ukraine 4, but most of the time Putin focused on attacking Western countries, especially the United States.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on September 30 that four regions in eastern Ukraine would be incorporated into Russian territory and delivered a 30-minute speech.Photo: flipped by TASS

On September 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Treaty on the Accession of Ukraine's Four Continents to the Russian Federation. Photo: Reprinted from the international channel

On September 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Treaty on the Accession of Ukraine’s Four Continents to the Russian Federation. Photo: Reprinted from the international channel “The World” under the official Chinese media “Beijing News

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