Putin: Ukraine joins NATO and war is inevitable if it attacks Crimea

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that if Ukraine joins NATO and attacks Crimea annexed by Russia, Russia will wage war with NATO.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a press conference after a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Moscow, Russia, on the 1st. | EPA Yonhap News

“The United States and NATO have ignored Russia’s fundamental demands for security,” Putin said at a press conference after meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, according to the Tass news agency. In a written response from the United States and NATO on the 26th, it said that Russia’s three main demands were not taken into account: a ban on NATO expansion, a ban on the deployment of offensive weapons near Russian borders, and a return of military infrastructure in Europe to pre-1997 levels. 1997 was the year the Basic Treaty was signed between Russia and NATO.

Putin has reiterated that Russia cannot accept Ukraine’s accession to NATO. He said, “Ukrainian doctrine states that it plans to retake Crimea, including military means. Who can stop it?” He also mentioned the possibility of war in the West, saying, “No one thinks that if Ukraine joins NATO and attacks Crimea, Russia will have no choice but to fight NATO.”

He further argued that the US goal was not to guarantee Ukraine’s security, but to hinder Russia’s development. The US could get Russia into war with the intention of imposing sanctions on Russia and then force its European allies to join in strong sanctions. “After joining Ukraine to NATO, it could deploy offensive weapons and induce far-right nationalists to attack Donbas or Crimea, leading Russia to become embroiled in an armed conflict,” he said. It is just a tool to achieve a goal.”

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But Putin said Russia was still open to dialogue with the West to help ease tensions in Ukraine, saying, “It won’t be easy, but we hope we can find a solution in the end.” He added that he would continue discussions with French President Emmanuel Macron in Moscow in the near future.

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