Putin, slow but clear progress in the Donbus region = British Prime Minister | Reuters

On May 27, British Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acknowledged that Russian President Vladimir Putin has made slow but clear progress in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine. Taken on the 26th in Donetsk Oblast (2022 Archyde.com / Anna Kudriavtseva)

[London, 27th Archyde.com]-British Prime Minister Johnson acknowledged on the 27th that Russian President Vladimir Putin is making slow but clear progress in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.

“Unfortunately, Putin continues to destroy the Donbus region, putting a heavy burden on himself and the Russian army,” he told Bloomberg UK.

“Slowly, but unfortunately, we are making clear progress, so it is extremely important that we continue to support the Ukrainian army.”

The Prime Minister said Ukraine needs additional military assistance, such as a multi-arm rocket launch system, and must end the conflict.

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