Putin signed into law the mutual defense treaty with North Korea

Putin signed into law the mutual defense treaty with North Korea

The accord, signed by Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in June after a summit in Pyongyang, calls for the two countries to rush to each other’s aid in the event of an armed attack.

The upper house of the Russian parliament ratified the treaty this week, while the lower house adopted it last month. Putin signed a decree on that ratification, which appeared today on a government website for legislative initiatives.






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The treaty confirms closer ties between Moscow and Pyongyang since Russia launched its February 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

According to reports from South Korea and Western countries, North Korea has supplied weapons to Russia. Ukrainian experts say they have found traces of these weapons on targets of Russian attacks.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Thursday that North Korea has sent 11,000 troops to Russia and some of them have been killed in fighting with Kiev forces in the southern Russian region of Kursk.

Russia has not confirmed the presence of North Korean troops.x

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#Putin #signed #law #mutual #defense #treaty #North #Korea
It looks like you’re ⁤working⁤ with a JavaScript snippet that involves asynchronous loading of various advertising scripts,‍ possibly for a web page. However, it‍ appears to be incomplete and contains placeholders for⁤ script URLs and other configurations. Additionally, there ⁣are some ​syntax errors and unclosed functions in ⁣the code.

Here’s a cleaned-up ⁤and structured version of ​your code with comments indicating where you ‌should insert the⁤ correct script URLs and configurations:


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⁢ // Function to asynchronously‌ load⁣ scripts

function⁣ asyncLoadScript(url) {

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//‌ CleverCore

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⁤ // Vidoomy

⁢ //⁣ More asyncLoadScript ⁣for Vidoomy if required

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​ ‌ ⁤// ​Invoke cmpActionCompleted when necessary

// cmpActionCompleted();



### ​Key Points:

1. **Script Insertion**:⁣ You need to provide the URLs⁣ for the scripts‌ to be loaded in ‌the placeholders (e.g., `/* URL for‍ OCM & DFP‍ */`).

2.⁣ **Conditions for Mobile**: The condition‌ for ⁣mobile should be properly defined to handle ⁢responsive advertising.

3. **Asynchronous Loading**: The `asyncLoadScript` function is defined ⁢for​ loading scripts⁤ asynchronously.

4. **Closure**: Ensure all‍ asynchronous functions and declarations are properly closed to avoid ‌syntax errors.

5. **Testing & Validation**: Make sure you test this code ‍in ⁣your development setup⁣ before deploying it to production to ensure that all ad services function as expected.

Feel free​ to customize the ‍comments and URLs according to your needs!

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