Putin signed a decree on the introduction of martial law in four regions October 19, 2022 | 74.ru

Acting Governor of the Kherson region Volodymyr Saldo said that the authorities of the region will govern the region together with the military.

– Martial law says that power in the regions should be transferred to the military in accordance with the law. We are doing all this work together with the military. Now we have already transferred almost the entire apparatus of the military-civilian administration to the left bank, they will work there. All the functions that are needed for life will be organized,” said Saldo.

According to him, utilities are working as usual.

– You see it in the city. Everything that is needed to ensure that those who have not yet left receive their usual conditions to which they are accustomed. City transport is working, the city is being cleaned, power supply, gas supply is being supplied,” Saldo added.

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