Putin praises, during his meeting with Mr. Raisi, the development of relations with Iran – Al-Manar TV website – Lebanon

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his meeting Thursday with his Iranian counterpart Ibrahim Raisi, praised the bilateral relations, stressing their development in all fields.

The Russian president said that Moscow had worked on Iran’s accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, noting that Russia’s partners had supported this initiative, and that only routine procedures remained for obtaining full membership.

Putin added during his main meeting that a Russian delegation will visit Iran next week, and it will include representatives of 80 large Russian companies.

The Russian President also touched on the growth of trade volume between Russia and Iran, noting that it increased by 81% last year, and increased by another 30% in the first five months of this year.

For his part, the Iranian president stressed that Tehran will never join the sanctions against Russia. “As for the sanctions imposed on Russia, we do not and will not recognize them, and we will strengthen our relations with the Russian Federation and develop trade and economic cooperation,” Raisi said.

Source: Russia Today

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