Putin begins talks with Lukashenko, Ukraine fears attack from Belarus

London will at least maintain the level of its military aid to kyiv in 2023

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced Monday in Riga that in 2023 his country would at least maintain the amount of its military aid to Ukraine, valued at 2.3 billion pounds (about 2.6 billion euros).

Mr. Sunak arrived in Latvia on Monday where he is due, together with representatives of the other countries participating in the Joint Expeditionary Force – Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Sweden and Norway – to discuss the specific assistance to be provided to Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has “urged” these representatives, via videoconference, to “do everything to hasten the defeat of the occupiers”.

“The UK is committed to next year matching or even exceeding the £2.3 billion in aid we have provided this year”, Mr. Sunak said in a brief speech broadcast live. It is also necessary to “focus on degrading Russia’s ability to regroup and resupply, which means attacking its supply chains and removing international support”. “I am thinking in particular of Iran and to the weapons it is currently supplying to Russia »he insisted.

In a press release preceding his arrival, Mr. Sunak’s office had announced significant deliveries of ammunition to Ukraine in 2023. According to this text, this will be “hundreds of thousands of munitions for artillery (…) in a £250m deal [286 millions d’euros] ».

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