“Put the condescension to ***”: Uproar due to Menashe Noy’s interview

An uproar on the net following the words of the actor Menashe Noi in an interview we published yesterday in Vala Tarbut, the title of which was his statement “I do not rule out the possibility of leaving. The State of Israel is a failure.” Many angry reactions appeared on the networks and in the media, mainly from people who are identified as supporters of Prime Minister Netanyahu, some of the reactions were blunt and aggressive. The full interview – here.

Screenwriter Manny Essig (“The 80s”) scoffed at the statement. He wrote on Twitter: “Today in the education system, from kindergarten to twelfth grade, they will devote an hour to strengthening and encouraging talks with the shocked students, following Menashe Noi’s dramatic announcement of his intention to leave the country. The school counselors, the counselors and the psychologists will work in an emergency format, to provide an answer to the students whose trauma may lead to nightmares and bedwetting at night.”

Shay Golden said on Channel 14: “If one day the IDF really opens the books and shows us the recruitment and evasion data, we will be shocked by how many evaders there are on the right side, the enlightened, the beautiful, the educated, the handsome, who watch Menashe Noi and applaud him for being want to leave the country So take this beam out of your eyes as well and don’t condescend to us and don’t look down on us, you are no more educated, you are no more important, your contribution to Israel’s security is no more significant, and the Israeli spirit, God willing, existed even before high-tech was here and before Menashe Noi was here, And Israeli science, Israeli technology and the Israeli army existed long before there was Yair Lapid. So take that arrogance and you know where you can put it, yes?”

Yotam Zamri, a panelist on Channel 14’s “The Patriots” program and a presenter on Gali Israel Radio, shared the title of the interview and wrote: “Even in Israel he was skeptical.” There was someone who responded aggressively, “Back in Israel he was a piece of shit.” One person uploaded a photo of a popsicle seller and next to it he wrote “I’m going… I’m going…” Quite a few reporters responded on the networks in the spirit of these reactions: “Very well, let him leave. I don’t even know who the idiot is” and “Let him return to Iraq, be a follower of the glorious Iraqi nation.”



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