Put Taiwan’s national strength on the space global industrial chain and seize a place | Anue Juheng – Taiwan Political Economy

The three major aerospace companies, SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, and Blue Origin, have vigorously promoted the commercialization of space travel, setting off a global “Interstellar Hegemony”. In recent years, the Taiwanese government has actively invested in the development of the space field. The private sector has also established several commercial aerospace companies to gradually form a preliminary satellite industry chain. The government hopes to leverage Taiwan’s long-term advantages in semiconductors and precision manufacturing, and join forces with industry, government and academia to jointly occupy the global space industry chain. a place.

The “National Space Program Office Preparatory Office” was established in 1991, changed its name to “National Space Program Office” in 2003, and changed its name to “National Space Center” again in 2005, shouldering the important task of national space development. In the past 30 years, in the field of space technology, Taiwan has focused on research and development. In 2020 and 2021, the low-orbit communication satellite industry has gradually taken shape. Together with the implementation of the Space Development Law and the announcement of four sub-laws, it has become the key to the development of my country’s space technology industry. button.

At the end of last year, the Executive Yuan passed the “Regulations on the Establishment of the National Space Center”, and the National Space Center will be upgraded to an administrative legal entity directly under the Ministry of Science and Technology. The Ministry of Science and Technology pointed out that this year’s original plan for space development was 2.96 billion yuan, but in order to invest more resources and manpower, the government decided to add 1.1 billion yuan to the total budget of 4 billion yuan. It is expected to win more budget next year. The Ministry of Science and Technology emphasized that the administrative legal person not only pays attention to space technology, but also assists in the layout of space development policies and brings the industry together.

The Ministry of Science and Technology stated that the short-term scientific research sounding rocket launch site in Xuhai, Mudan Township, Pingtung County, was officially opened on January 13 this year, and began to accept applications from rocket scientific research teams. application to use the launch site, the space center is still under review.

Wu Zhengzhong, Minister of Science and Technology, recently revealed that the five electronics brothers (Quanta, Wistron, Compal, Pegatron, and Inventec) have all expressed interest in the space industry. The third phase of the National Space Program originally planned to launch 10 satellites, and every year The number of large satellites launched (excluding small cubesats) may increase by at least 2 times, and the plan is planned to be extended to 2030, mainly for telemetry satellites, low-orbit communication satellites, etc. Wind hunter satellites have the opportunity to launch this year.

Among them, Fuwei 7 was launched on June 25, 2019 by the US SPACE X Falcon heavy rocket from the Kennedy Space Center on the east side of Florida, US. This is a large-scale international cooperation between Taiwan and the United States. The planned mission objectives are Establish a high-reliability mission-type meteorological satellite system, and continue the Fuwei-3 program to perform occultation meteorological observation missions. The main implementation units are Taiwan’s National Space Center (NSPO) and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

(Photo: Courtesy of the National Space Center)

Taiwan has gradually demonstrated its ability to independently develop satellites internationally. In addition, many Taiwanese space talents have participated in the multinational team that has obtained images of black holes for the first time and piloted a rover on Mars. President Tsai Ing-wen emphasized that in the next ten years It is expected that tens of thousands of low-orbit satellites will be launched, which will also drive a large demand for satellite body manufacturing and ground equipment systems. We must seize this business opportunity, actively deploy in space, and further build a Taiwan national team of space technology.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs took the lead in building a national team of low-orbit satellites in Taiwan, and launched a B5G-themed R&D program.3380-TW), Shengdaco (3491-TW) lead, lead Yao Deng (3138-TW) and other emerging/new entrepreneurs, as well as Taiwan Optoelectronics (2383-TW), Taiyao (6274-TW), Jinxiangdian (2368-TW) and other PCB factories, connecting the old, middle-aged and young manufacturers and key component factories, and received subsidies in a total of 5 cases. According to the US Satellite Industry Association (SIA), the output value of the global satellite industry in 2020 is 270.6 billion US dollars, and it is estimated to be 370.6 billion US dollars in 2030.

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