Purchasing power: some disability pensions will increase from April 1 and the measure applied will be retroactive

From next month, the accumulation of disability pension and salary may exceed the income received before disability. A decree published in the Official Journal comes into force next month and will put an end to this ceiling.

As of April 1, a decree will make it possible to develop “the terms and conditions for suspending the invalidity pension in the event of the exercise of a professional activity“, according to the notice of the decree unveiled by the site DémarchesAdministratives.fr.

A phase of setting up the system is to be planned for the health insurance funds” further indicates the Department of Social Security to our colleagues at Capital. But what is important to note is that this measure will be retroactive.

In fact, employees will now be able to fully combine the pension and their earned income until this total reaches the salary they had before their disability.

Then, beyond this threshold, the pension will be reduced by the “half of the gains observed“, says the text again.

For example, an employee who earned 1,500 euros before his disability and who can receive 1,700 euros by combining his pension and his salary will therefore be able to receive 1,600 euros. Without this decree, it would have remained at 1,500 euros.

It should be remembered that the invalidity pension makes it possible to compensate in part or in full for the loss of salary “resulting from an accident or illness of non-occupational origin”, specifies the governmental site dedicated to the handicap. To receive the pension, employees must have been affiliated to the Health Insurance for at least 12 months.

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According to a report from the Dares published in 2021, more than 840,000 people received a disability pension in 2019, including 240,000 who could continue to work for pay. And on average, the latter received 530 euros in pension per month.

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