Purchasing power: between February and March 2022, the consumer price index increased by 1.4% – All Senegalese news in real time | All the news in Senegal today: sport, Senegalese politics, people and miscellaneous facts in Senegal

According to INSEE, inflation in France increased in March, with prices rising by 4.5% over one year.

Inflation increases in March in France and reaches 4.5% over one year, according to INSEE following an increase of 3.6% the previous month. Between February and March 2022, the consumer price index rose by 1.4% notes ‘˜the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies’.

Driven by rising energy prices andfood, prices are rising in France and have crossed the 4% mark over one year, figures published today by INSEE. Manufactured goods, fuels, food and energy pushed up the rating. France is not the only one facing this problem, Spain (+9.8%!), Germany (+7.3%) are breaking records.

The minimum wage will automatically increase on 1áµEʳ May, between 2.4% and 2.6% due to the high inflation recorded over the past four months. Alex Reed this Thursday morning on Europe 1, Xavier Bertrand, LR president of the region of Hauts-de-Francewanted to warn once morest this inflationary trend.

«I warn once morest this contempt and this carelessness vis-à-vis what the middle classes are experiencing today, which can be a factor of explosion in our country. The middle classes will pay the price: too rich to be helped, and not rich enough to get by on their own“, hammered Xavier Bertrand, support of Valerie Pécresse for the Presidential election of 2022. To support the purchasing power of the French, Xavier Bertrand believes that “all taxes collected in addition must be paid in the form of a reduction in fuel”, as is the case with the discount of 15 to 18 centimes promised by the government”.

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