Purchase of an electric vehicle: the price limit for a rebate increases to $65,000

On the sidelines of the opening of the Quebec Electric Vehicle Show, Minister Jonatan Julien announced on Friday that the government is reviewing the suggested retail price limit to $65,000 for eligibility for a rebate for the purchase of a electric vehicle, instead of $60,000 as is currently the case.

“We’re working on it,” said Quebec’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources.

“We continue to support, with the Roulez Vert program, the purchase of electric vehicles. This means that Quebec is very well positioned throughout Canada. About 50% of vehicles sold in the country are in Quebec. We are in exponential growth,” said Mr. Julien.

Currently, there are nearly 140,000 electric or hybrid vehicles on the roads of Quebec. The goal is to reach 1.6 million by 2030.

“When you look at the evolution of prices, inflation naturally exists for the purchase of vehicles. This choice, which we come to make, means that we will maintain the pace we have adopted. We have just broadened the criteria so that the vehicles are there, ”he explained.

In return, from 1is July 2022, the rebates offered by the State for the purchase of an electric vehicle will decrease by $1,000 in certain cases from $8,000 to $7,000, for example, for the purchase of an all-electric vehicle from value less than $60,000.

The goal of the Roulez Vert program, recalled Mr. Julien, is to cover 50% of the cost difference between an electric and gasoline-powered vehicle in a comparable category. The cost gap is currently around $14,000, according to program officials.

Throughout the weekend, visitors are therefore expected at the ExpoCité Exhibition Center where some fifty exhibitors are gathered for the occasion until Sunday inclusive.

According to Charles Drouin, CEO of the Mobilis Corporation and co-promoter of the event, the Quebec Electric Vehicle Show is the perfect time to see, try, analyze and compare the latest technological innovations in electric mobility.

“Everything is in place to show as many beautiful cars as possible. This year, we have more than 25 cars tested. We also have an indoor track for bicycles, scooters and Segways,” he says.

With the soaring price of gas, the acquisition of an electric vehicle becomes very interesting. However, given the limited inventories, it is better to do it in advance, recognizes Mr. Drouin.

“For the next two years, consumer habits will change. The days when we went to the dealership and came out the same day with our vehicle, we forget that. You have to plan at least 5 to 6 months in advance”, he suggests, stressing that some models on the market can go up to two years of waiting.

Last year, the event attracted just over 9,000 visitors.



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