Punishment cells with blackout windows, no view out,… Haren prison raises concerns

Haren prison, near Brussels, has not yet received its first inmates and is already at the center of criticism. The Central Prison Supervisory Board visited the site. And he worries regarding the future conditions of detention.

Punishment cells with opaque windows, no view to the outside, or even cells equipped with a restraint bed.

The Central Prison Supervisory Board (CCSP) expressed these concerns two months before the opening of Haren prison. For the Council, this type of bed must be made on the order of a doctor. The detainee must also be informed of the reason for his immobilization. “So why, for a measure which should be quite exceptional and which can only be done in a medical setting, generalize it in this way?“Asks Marc Nève, director of the central prison supervisory board.


A report was sent this Friday morning to the director of the prison. He says he wants to consider certain recommendations. Jurgen Van Poecke, director of the future Haren prison: “The conclusion was that we will hide certain fixation points (beds) and therefore in a way it will no longer be a fixation bed.”


Other conditions of detention are also singled out. Prisoners in punishment cells are entitled to a walk yard. They are considered too small and without any sports facilities. Marc Nève explains: “It is a relatively small and cramped unit. There is very little that is provided for social life inside. As soon as it opens, the prison will be supervised.”

First inmates for September

The CCSP recommends a complete questioning of the so-called “time-out” cell project, “bare and without views”. He would also like to know whether an entire living unit will indeed be reserved specifically for mother prisoners with children and pregnant women prisoners, and to be further informed on the specific arrangements adapted to mother prisoners and children. Following the closure of the high security sections of almost all prison establishments in Belgium, a working group was to be set up to reflect on the offers of differentiated regimes.

Many unknowns remain

The CCSP would like to learn regarding the work of this group and its progress, as well as to know the precise vision of the prison administration with regard to this section, both with regard to the profiles and status of the prisoners who would be placed there, that as for the mode and the management of the personnel.

He would also like to be informed of the details of the regime of activities provided for in this section, that relating to the work of prisoners in this section and their contacts with the outside world. There are still many unknowns at this time regarding the future prison staff of Haren prison, says the CCSP. Eventually, 724 full-time equivalents should be employed in this establishment, which should be managed by 23 directors. The Board would like to be informed as fully and transparently as possible on the state of human resources between now and the opening.

The first detainees are expected to arrive next September.



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