Punctuality check “locked” at Christmas

The government’s goal is to further reduction of tax rates and the increase in spending on Health and Educationnoted the Minister of Economy and Finance Kostis Hatzidakis. At the same time, he confirmed that it will be given accuracy check Christmas in vulnerable households, Volthe amount of which will be determined in the coming days.

“Different states, each in its own way, employ different means in order to achieve the greatest possible degree of tax justice. And so do we. Of course, we are also moving forward the use of POS this time in the bill and with ministerial decisions. We are moving forward with measures against smuggling. We are moving forward with mandatory electronic invoicing, with the transmission, with the generalization of data, with measures for short-term leases. We have 11 different initiatives in the bill and among these initiatives is the initiative for freelancers,” he told ERT.

“You should know, that based on official Eurostat figures, the Greek state’s tax collections from self-employed workers each year is 0.8% of GDP. The Eurozone average is 2.1. With the intervention we are doing, we are going to what is considered a tax storm, and so on, we are going from 0.8 to 1.1-1.2,” he then emphasized.

It is not reasonable for a freelancer to declare an income lower than his employee, clarified the minister in the same interview.

“What we are saying is that it is not reasonable for a freelancer to declare an income below that of an employee, and indeed an employee who is paid the minimum wage. We say this because today we have reached the point where the wage earner, the average wage earner pays the tax office 1,160 euros and the freelancers who declare 85%, to be precise, who declare exclusively self-employment, pay 867, 1160 Salaried 867 the freelancer.

If someone comes along and makes an argument and says that a self-employed person who owns a sole proprietorship earns less than an employee in their shop and business who is paid minimum wage, then let’s agree to that and end the debate about tax evasion freelancers”.

“We estimate that compared to what we now collect annually, we will collect €3 billion more by 2027. From freelancers we estimate that, after the abolition of the pretense fee, it will be more than 600 million euros per year. The money will go to increase the costs of Health primarily and Education.

And our goal is precisely by addressing its issue tax evasion, to be able to go to lower tax rates at the end of the journey. But what is basically raising tax rates in Greece right now is tax evasion. If the issue is addressed more fully, we will be able to lower the tax rates as well,” explains Mr. Hatzidakis.

“We are not talking about the tablets of Moses. It is not the de facto 10 commandments and this applies to all bills. Be careful because this is also misinterpreted. We didn’t come to say this is it and it’s over. But be careful, we also cannot accept the logic I explained earlier, and I think neither does the vast majority of Greek society, that a professional is poorer than his employee who is paid the minimum wage. We do not accept this.”

Accuracy check

There is light on the horizon to grant additional means of support until the end of the yearMr. Hatzidakis then emphasized. “By the time the budget is submitted, the landscape will have become clear,” he emphasized.

“Because all this policy is implemented and we have not given in to populism, it seems that despite the difficulties there is a light on the horizon. It will be determined in the next few days and about the days when the budget will be submitted, We will have a picture” he said. “Everything that exists to the extent that it exists, will be related to her strengthening vulnerable groupshe concluded.

#Punctuality #check #locked #Christmas



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