PUD: “TSJ cannot attribute to itself the functions and powers of the CNE, since they are not its responsibility”

  • Edmundo González and leader María Corina Machado demanded that the decision of Venezuelans be respected in the presidential elections of July 28

Opposition leader María Corina Machado, Edmundo González and the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) issued a joint statement on August 21 to describe the “attempt to validate electoral fraud” through the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

Regarding the expert appraisal process that the TSJ is carrying out In the CNE’s voting records for the July 28 presidential elections, the opposition bloc stated that “the people of Venezuela have spoken” and they will enforce that mandate.

“In clear compliance with Article 5 of our Constitution: Sovereignty resides untransferably in the People. The decision of the people cannot be ignored by any person, no matter what position of power they hold, by any organ of public power and much less by those who seek to cling to power,” the statement reads.

In addition, the PUD, González and Machado recalled that it is the CNE that is in charge of enforcing the popular decision in the presidential elections.

“As we have reiterated in various communications, the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ cannot assume the functions and powers of the electoral body, since they are not within its jurisdiction,” the text stated.

Photo: Courtesy of El Informador

Venezuela’s democratic future

The joint statement also noted that all state bodies are subject, in accordance with the Constitution, to popular sovereignty exercised through suffrage.

“The people have decided that the new constitutional president of Venezuela for the period 2025-2031 is Edmundo González. Millions of voters, with their votes, opened the floodgates to the democratic future of Venezuela,” reiterated the PUD.

The opposition bloc insisted that no public authority should ignore the will of the Venezuelan people, and that the CNE is obliged to total the votes and publish the minutes of the vote count.

The statement also highlighted that Article 146 of the Organic Law on Electoral Processes, which refers to the time periods provided for presenting the results of each polling station, was not complied with.

Annulment of the TSJ ruling

González, Machado and the PUD stressed that any ruling by the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ would be “ineffective and null” since the judges would be violating the rights of voters by validating “electoral fraud” and usurping the functions of the CNE.

PUD clarified that the TSJ did not summon them to be present at the expert appraisal of the electoral records
Photo: Courtesy of La Verdad newspaper

“They would incur criminal, civil and administrative liability. To this end, as stated in Article 138 of our Constitution: ‘Any usurped authority is ineffective and its acts are null and void,'” the statement said.

In addition, the PUD reiterated that They have 84% of the electoral records which support the results that give González the victory of the elections by a wide margin.

“We demand transparency and strict compliance with the rule of law. We will not accept the judicialization of the democratic change that the people decided on,” the opposition bloc emphasized in the statement.

Finally, the signatories of the text thanked the countries that have requested an impartial audit of the electoral records.

Transition in peace

Prior to publishing the statement, González used his X account to express that the decision of Venezuelans was to vote to achieve “a country without persecution or forced migration.”

In his message, the opposition leader said that Venezuelans want a country where the currency is strong, public services function and salaries and pensions are improved.

“A country with an education system that generates opportunities and quality hospitals,” González added.

“That desire will not stop. Let us all work for the peaceful, orderly and guaranteed transition that Venezuela demands,” added the former ambassador.

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#PUD #TSJ #attribute #functions #powers #CNE #responsibility
2024-08-21 23:07:46



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