Publicized companies exporting to Russia and what they ship: from Volkswagen engine to raspberries | Business

On Monday, 180 thousand Oleg Shurayevs, a public figure with followers on the social network Facebook, made public the companies that conduct or have conducted trade with Russia this year.

According to him, he accidentally purchased an expensive subscription service from an information trading data portal he decided to share the figures of exports from Lithuania to Russia with the audience and the public.

The disclosed documents include the 2024 January 26-31 export data from Lithuania to Russia.

“I took the data for January 2024, that’s about 3/4 days of all customs declarations, where the goods are either 1) of Lithuanian origin, such as Bosca champagne, or 2) Dolce&Gabana goods, which are transported by companies such as UAB Rytų projektai , whose business is import/export to Russia or bypass the drive to look good from the side. Sometimes you don’t know if brands they themselves order such companies-carriers, so as not to get their hands dirty, whether companies receive requests from Russians and diligently fulfill them,” he said in a Facebook post.

Žygimantos Gedvilos/BNS photo/Oleg Shurayevas

Some of the companies that did not export on those specific days were not included in the lists. There is a possibility that some companies may have stopped this activity since January, as well as some of them, according to the data, they are generally deregistered today.

Despite already fourteen packages of European Union sanctions against Russia, which have significantly restricted trade with Russia, the export of a significant part of goods is not prohibited.

O. Shurayev himself mentioned this in his post: “This is not a crime, but a matter of conscience. Companies may not trade with Russia and not provide logistics services, plus not provide their Lithuanian production, but money is money <...>. Do not work with Russia, Russia kills people. Greetings from Kyiv,” he wrote on Facebook.

Various goods are transported: from raspberries to engines

As mentioned, the data made public by O. Shurajev includes the last 2024 the end of January.

The list includes many companies providing logistics, storage, customs and related services that helped transport goods – among them, such well-known ones as “Vlantana” or Vilnius Transimeksa”. Other companies include UAB Rytų projektai, LT Logic, Didneriai, Continexus, Nunner Logistics, Logistikos centras, Cust LT, Daivilva Baltic, Transit-LT, Vingės terminalas, Argo LT, Easting air & Ocean, Victoria Lux, Stalker Group, Premuita, Imprekas, Doganas, Vingės Transsphere Logistika, Guevara, Vingama “, “Mēlynšilis”, “Arkama”, “Spectrum Logistika”, “Rivilogistics”, “IT logistika”, “Grens cargo”, “Lavisa LEZ terminalas”, “Aviation services center”, “Ultus logistics”, “Autoverslo logistika” , Velesas, Alpi Baltika, Transit Services Center, Frega, Premier Service, Logiset, DLG Logistikos centras, Sibling, and others, Akleta, “, Santex LT, JML GROUP, Nm transportas, Vilnius expedition, Trans solutions, Axis transport, Transitnetbaltic, Twb logistics, Mitransa logistika, Velum maris , Junitra, Cargokodas, Bnb services, Kargautas, Deklarantas, Albigreta, Daineda, Logispace, Mtl group, Elfanta, Septusa, Geotest and some others. photo/Raspberries photo/Raspberries

Exported goods include a wide variety of products, such as used Volkswagen and other car engines, raspberries, clothes, avocados, syrups, vinegar, alcoholic beverages, dishwashers and other household appliances.

The shared documents indicate that in 2024 at the end of January, the following manufacturing and trading companies exported at least one product to Russia: “LT Biotech” (medical equipment), “Lavisos koncernas” (syrup, glucose), “Moguntia Baltija” (food additives for industry), “Boslita ir Ko” ( drinks), “Litbana” (fruits and berries), “Daviva” (car parts), “Old Baltic Recipes” (alcoholic beverages), “AB medical” (Medical equipment), “Baltijos langu technika” (windows and parts for them) , Baltic Fresh Fruit (fruits), Augma (fruits and vegetables), Drobė textil (textiles), Clover plus (clothes), Consisto (flowers and decorative plants), Ekotech (automotive parts), “Profline” (chemical industry), “Alkajas” (household chemistry), “Eligura” (chemistry), “Ase.Lt” (conditioners), “Polivektris” (plastic products), “Anexo” (food spices) , “Getuva” (food products), “Nerginta” (professional restaurant kitchen equipment), “Kosmopakas” (packaging products), “Eseka” (agricultural products), “Tradefaktorius” (household appliances).

Some of the companies included in the January export list are no longer operating today – among them is the already mentioned MB “Anatolė”.

The representatives of the companies are not talkative

15min after trying to contact some of the listed companies, not all of them were willing to comment on their trade with Russia.

Elegijus Jankauskas, the manager of the fruit trading company “Baltic Fresh Fruit” mentioned in O. Šurajev’s post, was the most eloquent. This company transported avocados, ginger, nuts, tangerines and other products to Russia in January.

Businessman 15min confirmed that his company exports to Russia, and also said that he had read O. Shurayev’s post on Facebook. It allows us to understand that the two men communicated by phone, and that E. Jankauskas indicated to O. Šurajev that he was reducing export volumes.

“Yes, we export to Russia – we fulfill our obligations, which were made much earlier. I want to mention that when Mr. Shurayev called, I mentioned to him the fact that in 2014 we followed the path of gradually severing relations with Russia and Belarus. If you look at 2012-2014, about 70 percent and more were exported. They spoke normally, clearly, but wrong interpretations were given from that”, – while talking to 15min said E. Jankauskas.

According to him, now the export share of “Baltic Fresh Fruit” in the Russian market is 15%.

Vida Press photo/Slicing a mango fruit

Vida Press photo/Slicing a mango fruit

The businessman said that from 2022 After the Russian invasion of Ukraine that began on February 24, his company did not enter into “a single contract” with Russian importers.

“I hope that in a year there will be nothing left there,” said E. Jankauskas. After noting that the signed contracts probably have dates and asking to clarify whether there will be no more exports to Russia after a year, the businessman stated that “it may be”, later he repeated that all contracts will expire in July of next year.

E. Jankauskas is a shareholder of the company “Mangų mangas”, he owns about a third of its shares, another third belongs to his business partner Rimgaudus Pauliks.

Although the name of the company “Mangų mangas” is not included in the export data to Russia provided by O. Šurajev, the publicist mentioned this company in his post. “This is a message to influencers who like to promote beautiful fruits to the home – be careful,” he said.

Mantas Kydikas, the director of Mangų mangas, later shared a post on the social network Facebook about his treatment of the situation.

“Our co-shareholders made a mistake, and we will deserve to take it back. However, those thirty wonderful people who met you every week at the distribution of goods and gave their all have nothing to do with the mistake made by the shareholders. Please keep them respectful, because they really gave you their hearts <...> Mangų mangas UAB has two more shareholders. They manage the company “Baltic Fresh Fruit” UAB. Although I know that both support Ukraine, provided support, only UAB “Baltic Fresh Fruit” itself can answer why trade relations with the Russians were not terminated”, – wrote on the Facebook account of “Mangų Mangas” in the name of M. Kydik. He owns the remaining third of the company’s shares.

Photo by Pauliaus Peleckis/BNS/Kharkiv and its surroundings after Russian shelling

Photo by Pauliaus Peleckis/BNS/Kharkiv and its surroundings after Russian shelling

Others 15min the representatives of the interviewed companies were rather tight-lipped.

The representative of the Boslita ir KO company, which exported various alcoholic beverages to Russia, who answered the public telephone, did not comment on anything, only stating that “Shurayev is not our friend.” The company also did not respond to a later written request regarding trade with Russia.

According to O. Shurajev, he managed to speak with the representatives of Moguntia Baltija, a company that produces additives for the food industry, with 15min did not communicate widely.

“There is nothing to comment there. How did someone write, when did they write there – a lot of people write what,” said the woman, 15min introducing herself as the deputy of the company’s manager, Vilims Minkauskas. It should be noted that Ukrainian flags can be seen on the company’s official website.


Screenshot/”Moguntia Baltija”

The representatives of “Moguntia Baltija” gave a short answer to the written request sent later.

“A decision was made in the company to terminate any relations with Russia and we have not been conducting any commercial activities for some time,” the response states.

The name of the small company (MB) “Tradefaktorius” has been mentioned more than once in the published documents. The activity of this small community is the export of household appliances – for example, on January 29. they exported Bosch dishwashers to Russia.

It is interesting that in 2022 the company experienced a big jump in revenue – from 5.44 million up to 14.76 million EUR (1.12 million EUR profit).

Eglė Karaliūtė, the head of the company, did not answer either the calls or the letter sent later with questions about the company’s export to Russia.

The representative of the AB Medical company confirmed that the head of the company, Miroslavas Butovičius, was present, but after hearing the question, he “claimed that he does not do business with Russia”. After noting that the data is from January and being asked if the trade continues until now, he indicated that he did not have to and did not want to comment.

Russia is the sixth export partner, the largest part of which is re-export

in 2023 Lithuania mainly exported to Latvia (10.8% of total exports) and Poland (9.3%). Last year, Russia was the 6th largest export partner of Lithuania (5.4%) – goods worth 2.14 billion were exported last year. euros.

Almost 96 percent the flow of goods from Lithuania to Russia consisted of re-export. It should be noted that the total flow of exports to Russia compared to 2022 was a fifth lower last year

After Russia invaded Ukraine, fourteen sanctions packages were already applied to the aggressor. They cover not only trade, but also various sectors – finance, transport, and are applied to specific natural and legal persons.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces that the 14th package of sanctions against Russia established a ban on the import of helium, thereby preventing the possibility of future EU dependence on Russia in the field of helium gas.

Žygimantas Gedvilas/BNS photo/Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Žygimantas Gedvilas/BNS photo/Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In June, the Council of Europe added 61 more entities to the list of entities directly supporting Russia’s military and industrial complex in its war of aggression against Ukraine. These entities are prohibited from supplying dual-use and high-tech goods. Some of these 61 entities belong to third countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Hong Kong, whose entities help to circumvent trade restrictions imposed on Russia, or are involved in the development, production and supply of components for the Russian military and industrial complex.

It also expands the list of goods that contribute to Russia’s military and technological development or the development of its defense and security sector to include goods used by Russia in its war of aggression against Ukraine and goods that contribute to the development or production of its military systems, including certain machine tools and all-terrain vehicles. Further restrictions have also been imposed on goods that could primarily contribute to the strengthening of Russian industrial capacity, such as chemicals, including manganese ore and rare earth compounds, plastics, earthmoving machines, monitors and electrical equipment, the MFA portal says.

#Publicized #companies #exporting #Russia #ship #Volkswagen #engine #raspberries #Business
2024-07-25 15:41:29



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