Public Prosecution Service to appeal case against rapper Ali B. | News item

News item | 24-07-2024 | 12:57

The Public Prosecution Service of North Holland (OM) today filed an appeal in the case against rapper Ali B., who was sentenced in the first instance to a prison term of two years for rape and attempted rape. Ali B was acquitted of the rape of singer Ellen ten Damme, but was convicted in this case of attempted rape. He was also acquitted of the assault on singer Jill Helena, a woman he knew from the TV program The Voice of Holland, as well as for the assault in the case of victim Naomi. The OM is appealing all three acquittals.

In the verdict, the court stated that Jill Helena’s testimony was reliable and credible, but that the assault could not be proven legally and convincingly. This is partly due to the fact that she waited a long time to tell her story to others. In addition, according to the court, her statements were insufficiently supported by other evidence. After studying the verdict, the Public Prosecution Service sees points of contact to resubmit the case on appeal. This also applies to the other two acquittals.

The Public Prosecution Service has believed the victims’ stories from the beginning of this case and finds it courageous that they came forward with their story, despite all the media attention. The Public Prosecution Service finds it important that victims of sexual abuse report and continue to report in the future.

Ali B. has also appealed against the court’s judgment.



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