Public inquiries – Milhaud catchment called “Stadium well” – Nîmes Métropole

Water Supply Shenanigans in Nîmes Métropole

Ah, Nîmes Métropole—home to Roman ruins, a vibrant culture, and apparently the pressure of ensuring 35 municipalities have clean drinking water for about 250,000 parched inhabitants. That’s right folks, we’re talking about managing more than 19 million m3 of water annually! Or as I like to call it, ‘the world’s largest hydration station’. Grab your water bottles, peeps!

In a classic bureaucratic ballet, Nîmes Métropole is executing an intricate dance (think Riverdance meets a public health seminar) to meet some rather serious objectives in the drinking water supply master plan. And if that sounds dry—get it?—it’s all part of their effort to dot the I’s and cross the T’s on their administrative paperwork. Because apparently, water management is at risk of becoming more complicated than a relationship status on Facebook.

Now, let’s talk about regulations! They need prefectural authorizations faster than you can say “Puits du Stade.” What’s that, you ask? It’s just a trendy way of saying, “We’re trying to not turn your groundwater into a swamp filled with questionable substances.” Here are their plans to ensure our refreshing summer sips are safe:

  • Groundwater withdrawals under the Environmental Code—this isn’t just for the exciting name. There are rules to follow, and guess what… they include actually respecting the environment!
  • Defining protection perimeters under the Public Health Code to minimize the risk of groundwater pollution—because nobody wants a surprise ‘flavor’ in their drinking water. The last time I checked, ‘Gatorade flavor’ wasn’t a thing for groundwater!

They’re particularly interested in the Puits du Stade in Milhaud, the local water fountain that keeps the residents hydrated. Now, when it comes to public inquiries, we’ve got a classic case of “yes, we’d love your opinions, thank you for exercising your civic duty!” And really, who doesn’t enjoy a good old-fashioned inquiry into groundwater? It’s like a thrilling mystery novel, except the plot twist is… they just need to make sure you don’t end up drinking bathwater!

Mark Your Calendars!

The public inquiries will take place from Monday, October 21, 2024 to Tuesday, November 19, 2024 inclusive. That’s right, folks! Get ready for 30 days of water wisdom sharing!

These inquiries are no joke; they’re all about ensuring the catchment known as “Puits du Stade” can keep doing its thing and bringing clean water to the charming commune of Milhaud. I mean, if there’s one thing worse than a dry throat after a good joke, it’s dry-heaving over an empty glass of water.

By the way, you can voice your thoughts electronically—because what’s better than fighting over water rights in the comfort of your own home? Feel free to contribute directly through this link: Who knew solving water supply issues could be this interactive?

If you prefer your input to remain a little more… private, you can also send it via email at public-investigation-5648ping[at] Just remember, anything you send will be published and visible for all to see. So, think twice before declaring your love for tap water!

Downloadable documents: because what’s an environmental inquiry without a few forms to fill out, am I right?

In conclusion, folks, this is your chance to become part of something bigger than yourself—welcome to the great water supply adventure! Where every drop counts, and every voice matters—though you might have to compete with the sound of me laughing at my own jokes. Cheers to clean drinking water!

Nîmes Métropole ensures the water supply intended for human consumption in 35 municipalities in its territory, or around 250,000 inhabitants. It manages 28 sites from which it extracts more than 19 million m3 each year.

In order to meet the objectives of the drinking water supply master plan and to regularize the administrative situation of certain catchments, Nîmes Métropole has initiated studies with a view to obtaining prefectural authorizations:

  • groundwater withdrawals under the Environmental Code,
  • for the definition of immediate, close and remote protection perimeters and measures to limit the risks of groundwater pollution, under the Public Health Code. (learn more here)

Nîmes Métropole wishes to obtain these two orders in order to collect groundwater from the Puits du Stade in Milhaud. This catchment supplies the population of this same municipality with drinking water.

Thus, files under the Environmental Code and the Health Code are subject to public inquiries.

The documents can be downloaded below and the public is invited to send their observations to the investigating commissioner (see notice of public inquiries below).

The public inquiries will take place from Monday October 21, 2024 to Tuesday November 19, 2024 inclusive.

These are public inquiries for environmental authorization under the Environmental Code and Declaration of Public Utility, prior to the authorization of the catchment known as “Puits du Stade”, located in the commune of Milhaud, and in particular , on its protection perimeters located in the said municipality.

This catchment is intended to contribute to supplying water intended for human consumption to the commune of Milhaud.

During the duration of the public inquiry, a website comprising a secure electronic register to which the public can send their contributions and proposals directly is open at the following internet address:

Contributions can also be sent via the following email address: public-investigation-5648ping[at]

Contributions sent by email will be published as soon as possible on the electronic register and therefore visible to all.

Downloadable documents:



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