Public Health reports fewer consultations for acute diarrhea

Asuncion, IP.- According to the report of the General Directorate of Health Surveillance of the health portfolio, so far this year, 9,553 records of consultations for episodes of Acute Diarrheal Disease (EDA) have accumulated throughout the country, that is, 3,000 less compared to last year.

The report highlights that the incidence rate of 45 percent corresponds to cases of diarrhea in children under 5 years of age and 55 percent in those over 5 years of age.

So far, some 3,120 EDA consultations have been reported, showing a different behaviour than in previous years. This is taking into account that last year, at the same time, 12,233 consultations were registered.

Some hygiene measures

– Foods should be prepared and cooked immediately before eating. Foods left to sit for long periods of time can accumulate germs that cause diarrhea. After two hours of cooking, food is not safe unless it has been kept very hot or very cold.

– Hands should be washed with soap and water immediately after defecating, after changing the child’s diaper, before feeding the child, before preparing food or eating.

– All waste must be buried, burned or safely disposed of to prevent it from attracting flies that can spread disease.


Treatment depends on the diagnosis and the severity of the diarrhea. If it is mild, it is sufficient to administer plenty of fluids at the patient’s own home. If the diarrhea is severe and accompanied by dehydration, it is necessary to treat the patient at the nearest health center to administer intravenous fluids.

As a general rule, it is not advisable to use anti-diarrheal drugs without a doctor’s prescription, as they can complicate more than help.

Pay attention to the following symptoms and go to the health center immediately when the child:

– Has several watery stools in one or two hours.

– There is blood in the stools.

– He vomits frequently.

– He has a fever and is very thirsty.

– He refuses to eat and drink.

– His eyes are sunken, he appears to be weak or sleepy.

– Cry without tears.

– If diarrhea persists for more than a week.

#Public #Health #reports #consultations #acute #diarrhea
2024-09-25 13:57:48



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