Public Comment Period Open for Oil and Gas Lease Sale in North Dakota: Bureau of Land Management Seeks Input on 13 Parcels

2023-08-21 07:11:29

The Montana-Dakotas State Office of the Bureau of Land Management has initiated a 30-day public comment period to gather input on 13 oil and gas parcels covering a total of 3,670.57 acres. These parcels are being considered for an upcoming lease sale in North Dakota. The comment period will end on September 17, 2023.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has already conducted an initial assessment of these parcels in July 2023 and is now inviting public input on the parcels, possible deferrals, and related environmental analysis. The feedback received will help the BLM evaluate each parcel and determine if your lease aligns with relevant laws, policies, and land use plans.

Detailed information regarding the parcels under consideration, along with maps and instructions on how to submit comments, can be found on the BLM’s ePlanning website.

Under the Inflation Reduction Act, the BLM will apply a 16.67 percent royalty rate to new leases resulting from this sale. Additional information on this law can be accessed through the BLM’s online fact sheet.

It is important to note that the lease marks only the initial phase in the development of federal oil and gas resources. To begin actual development operations, operators must submit a drilling permit application outlining their plans. The BLM thoroughly reviews these applications, makes them available for public review, conducts environmental analysis, and collaborates with state partners and stakeholders.

All parcels leased as part of an oil and gas lease sale come with appropriate stipulations intended to protect important natural resources. Information on current and future BLM lease sales can be obtained through the National Fluid Lease Sales System.

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