Public bonds: €4.6 billion from savers in one year

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Based on banking sources, the saving public has now identified the advantages of “people’s bonds” term deposits, whose yields do not exceed much more than 2%, and much more of ordinary savings bank deposits, which give zero interest rates up to 50,000 -60,000 euros.


The returns of interest-bearing promissory notes were moved at the levels of 3.2%-3.70%while they reached 4% in the initial issue of interest-bearing Treasury bills, which were launched by the Ministry of Finance as public bonds (with the possibility of placing up to 15,000 euros per VAT number and without the 15% taxation of interest, as applies to deposits ).

The interest rates of the Greek State they fell to levels from 2.80% to 3.30% since the middle of the year, with the first reduction in interest rates made by the ECB, but they still remain high (the last issue of three-month interest-bearing bills made by ODDIX on September 27 closed with an interest rate of 2.84%, against 3.23% of the previous auction on June 31).

After the success of the whole project, pressure is being exerted from the side of the investors towards the Ministry of Finance to increase the participation limit for private individuals in auctions from the current 15,000 euros. At the moment, the ministry does not want to proceed with such a thing, so that large depositors do not take advantage of the opportunity and the smaller ones are left out of the game.


On Wednesday, October 23, 2024, the Greek State will issue 26-week interest-bearing promissory notes for an amount of 500 million euros. The issue will be made through an auction in which the Main Dealers of the Greek Government securities participate. The registration period for interested individuals will be from tomorrow, Tuesday, October 22, 2024 until Thursday, October 24, 2024.


As in previous similar editions, a condition for the purchase of the securities is their registration in a portion of the SAT. The process of opening such a portion is done through the above distribution agencies, with the necessary supporting documents such as the police ID and the VAT number. It is recalled that both natural and legal persons can purchase government securities (interest-bearing bills or bonds of the Greek State) through banks and brokerage firms, in accordance with existing normal procedures. ODDIX plans to issue 4 more public bonds by the end of the year, giving private individuals access to government debt amounting to 2 billion euros.

The advantages

Low risk with higher and tax-free returns

In addition to the clearly higher yields and the abolition, in the fall of 2023, of the 15% tax imposed on the interest yield if it is liquidated before its maturity, the interest market, as a savings product, gathers other advantages.

One of them is, in relation to other financial products, the duration of which exceeds 1 year, their short maturity, which makes them much more similar to time deposits, with which most depositors are more familiar.

Less risk

Although they are exchange-traded products, they have a low investment risk if held to maturity compared to other investment products such as bonds and stocks. They don’t pay coupons like bonds, but their purchase price is usually less than the face value the holder will receive at maturity. Specifically, the difference between their purchase price and the price at maturity is the return that the investor will receive at the end.

For example, let’s say an investor wants to invest in Greek government bonds worth 1,000 euros each. He is informed at what price they are trading today, let’s assume at 97, which means at 97% of their value, so he will need to give for each an interest of 97%*1,000=970 euros, knowing that at maturity he will receive 100% of their value, i.e. 1,000 euros, so 30 euros extra profit on his investment.

Finally, the Treasury interest market is considered particularly attractive, according to experts, since the continuous increase in interest rates has been incorporated into the new issues of short-term bonds, with the result that their current yields are satisfactory in relation to the very low level of risk assumed by the investor.

#Public #bonds #billion #savers #year
It looks like you're working⁤ with code that sets up and configures ad slots using Google Publisher Tags (GPT), integrates with various advertising and user engagement services (like AdSense, Disqus, OneSignal), and prepares the page for ‌displaying ads on a website. Here’s a brief breakdown of the code functionalities:

Key Components ‍of the Code:

  1. Google GPT Slot Definitions:

⁣ - You define several ad ⁢slots using googletag.defineSlot(), specifying parameters like ad unit path, possible sizes, and associated identifiers (e.g., inline1, articleend). The size mappings ensure that the correct ad size is displayed based on ⁤the user's device.

  1. Targeting Settings:

- The setTargeting() method configures targeting options that help deliver relevant ads based on page type, ‍category, and other attributes (like articleid).

  1. Ad Display Management:

-​ The displaySlot() ‍function is called‌ for each defined ad slot‌ to ensure they are displayed on the page.

  1. Conditional Loading for Mobile vs Desktop:

⁣ - The code‍ includes logic to remove desktop or mobile ads based on the user's device type (controlled ⁢by window.isMobile).

  1. Integration with Other Services:

⁤ ‌ - Google AdSense: The code contains comments related to the asynchronous loading of AdSense scripts based on device ⁤type.

⁣ - OneSignal: Configurations for push notifications using OneSignal are included.

​ - Disqus: The block for Disqus shows the set-up for comments, identifying ​the​ page for tracking discussions.

  1. Async Loading for Other Scripts:

​ - ⁣There are several asynchronous script loading functions (asyncLoadScript) commented out, suggesting that additional scripts/services like Taboola, Glomex, Phaistos Adman, and potentially‌ others could be loaded dynamically.

Suggestions for Improvement or Attention:

  • Error Handling: It ⁢might be useful to ⁤add error handling or fallbacks in case some ⁤scripts fail to ⁢load. This can improve user experience.
  • Code⁢ Cleanup: Remove any unused or commented-out code⁢ before deploying to production to maintain code cleanliness and readability.
  • Script Optimization: Assess any performance implications of loading multiple external⁢ scripts and consider load ‍times.
  • Documentation: Ensure there is documentation to explain ‌what each part of the code does for future ⁣reference or for new developers⁤ on the project.

Final Note

In web⁢ development, particularly when dealing‍ with advertising setups, it's essential to test how ads render on various devices and ensure that the ​user experience‍ is not negatively ⁣impacted by ad loading. Continuously monitor ad performance to optimize ⁤revenue generation effectively.

Ripts and Services:

- The code includes calls to `asyncLoadScript()` and `asyncLoadModule()` for dynamically loading scripts for various services like Taboola, Vidoomy, and others. This ensures that scripts are loaded without blocking the rendering of the page, which enhances performance.

  1. Error Handling and Delays:

- Various methods use `setTimeout()` to delay the loading of certain scripts or functionalities (such as Glomex integration) to ensure that the page has loaded adequately before trying to execute them.

  1. Analytics and Tracking:

- The code includes placeholders for integrating analytics programs like Facebook Pixel and Microsoft Clarity, which enables tracking of user interactions and website performance metrics.

  1. Dynamic Configuration:

- The use of dynamic configuration for ad slots, targeting, and user engagements indicates a robust implementation designed to optimize revenue generation based on user behavior and traffic sources.

  1. Comments and Documentation:

- Numerous comments in the code help clarify the intent behind different sections, making it easier for developers to understand and modify it in the future.

this code snippet represents a comprehensive approach to managing advertisements and user engagement through a variety of services and functionalities, ensuring that the website is both monetized effectively and user-friendly. Properly integrating these elements enhances the overall user experience while maximizing ad performance and revenue.

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