Psychologist Gunther lists 10 behaviors that push people away from you

Get irritated over little things

“It’s very hard to be around a person who is infuriated and annoyed by everything,” Randy Krueger draws attention. – There are probably those around you – they yell and rush regarding if something does not go as they expected, they are intolerant of a large number of small problems, groan and always complain. They are not able to see the good – something that might be concentrated on.


“There are people who endlessly “chew” the same event or situation, discussing it in detail for the millionth time, trying to get to the bottom of it,” says the psychologist. — Usually they are so absorbed in this eternal search that they cannot open up new information, which might really help break the vicious circle.

Talk only regarding yourself

It is very difficult to communicate with someone who sees the world only from his position, speaks only regarding himself, is never interested in others and does not remember what others tell him, the expert explains. – It happens that this person is very charming and charismatic and he actually has something to tell others. But in that case, just don’t bother competing with him.

Chronically late

There is no way to be nice to someone you keep waiting for, the psychologist admits. – The most common reason why a person is late is his inertia – the inability to quickly switch attention. He cannot plan his time, quickly complete what he is doing. However, this behavior can be called passive-aggressive, and should not be tolerated.

Don’t keep promises

“Consistently breaking agreements is a surefire way to alienate other people,” says Randy Krueger. – After all The foundation of good relationships between people is trust. How can you keep it if you constantly violate agreements.


People don’t like those who like a paranoid person is always afraid that he will be cheated, deceived, those who always takes more than it gives says the psychologist. “Such people constantly accuse others of taking advantage of them, and believe that others do not deserve generosity if they do not fit their “measures”.



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