Psychological trauma may be passed on to offspring and affect their health

2024-07-15 22:00:00

Home > News > Psychological trauma may be passed on to offspring and affect their health Written on July 16, 2024 at 12:00 AM Trauma alters the expression of certain genes

Is our destiny at least partially predetermined? With the development of epigenetics, a new approach suggests that certain life events (especially trauma) can be written into genes and thus passed on to future generations, with specific effects on health.

DNA has long been considered the alpha and omega of unchangeable genetic heritage. Since then, epigenetics has introduced the concept of variation in gene expression under the influence of environmental factors. today, The concept of ‘transgenerational epigenetic inheritance’ suggests trauma experienced by our ancestors may leave ‘traces’ Certain genes are heritable and may cause health problems (such as asthma or anxiety) and behaviors (diet, self-risk, etc.) in offspring.

Events that mark… all the way to DNA

War, genocide(1) or famine, environmental factors (stress, chemicals, etc.) or even psycho-emotional, political or socio-economic trauma can cause “Marking” a person in the form of inherited epigenetic information (epigenome) This will be “superimposed” on the DNA sequence.

To simplify, we can think of The epigenome is to genetic material (DNA) what the operating system is to computer hardware. DNA (like computer memories and processors) is not usually altered by dramatic events; modifications occur in the epigenome, causing changes in gene expression.

Until recently, it was thought that these epigenetic changes only affected the generation that produced them and were not passed on to the next generation because they were “erased” by different stages of reprogramming of genetic material from the beginning of the reproductive process. But studies (2), including studies in mammals, show that this erasure is biased, with consequences The transmission of “epigenomic marks” that can affect the fate of offspring.

Survivors of the Rwanda massacre, 11 September 2001, natural disaster…

Problematic tags mainly include DNA methylationone of the main processes used by the epigenome Activating or repressing genes. Studies of differences between populations…

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(1) « The generational impact of Holocaust exposure FKBP5 Methylation », biological psychiatry2015

(2) « Changes in sperm histone H3 and lysine 4 trimethylation in a transgenerational epigenetic mouse model », Nucleic acid research 2020

(3) « Epigenomic and neurocognitive research on post-traumatic stress disorder in Rwandans following the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi from community involvement: lessons learned », epigenomics2022

(4) « The adjustment of children of Australian Vietnam veterans: Is there evidence that the effects of war-related trauma can be transmitted across generations? », Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2001

(5) « Sperm-inherited H3K27me3 epialleles in cis», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2022

(6) « Grandfather’s access to food predicts grandson’s all-cause and cancer mortality », nature communications2018 –

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