Psikharpax, le robot-rat intelligent | Dossier

Among the different applicationsapplications from roboticsroboticsa contribution that the general public does not often think of and which is nevertheless very important, consists in using the robotsrobots to help us better understand life. The Psikharpax Project goes in this direction.

Indeed, finding solutions allowing a robot to properly perceive one’s environment, to act in it correctly and to adapt when this environment changes, gives us keys to understanding the difficulties faced by animals in their environment, and the mechanisms of perception and adaptation of behavior that might be selected during theevolution.

The Psikharpax Project contributes to this approach. It is a question of developing an artificial robot-rat whose sensory equipment, the functioning of the ” brainbrain computing and features are inspired as much as possible by the rat. The main objective is to use the robot as a platform for testing biological hypotheses to contribute to the understanding of these mechanisms in MammalsMammals.

In this file you will be able to understand why the rat was chosen as a model, discover the robot-rat and its functionalities, its capacities, its learning strength.



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