While the PlayStation 5 has just welcomed its update 22.02-06.50.00, eyes are already on the next one. Tom Henderson ofInsider Gaming predicted thatand firmware 7.00 would be deployed on March 8, 2023 since last summer, and he maintains his words today.
Better, he specifies that his sources told him that the next major system software release will contain 2 big new features. The first would be increased integration of Discord, promised since 2021 and the investment of Sony Interactive Entertainment in the instant messaging application: it should be easier to communicate textually or vocally with friends Discord on PS5, as is already possible on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.
The other new feature also seems take inspiration from the competition. It should thus be possible, thanks to this future update, of streameur PS5 games in cloud without having to install them on their console, saving time and storage space for some. This would only be possible for subscribers PlayStation Plus Premiumand a priori only from a PS5, unlike the other streaming games available with the subscription, they can be accessed from more screens. The feature is said to be in internal testing for many months under the name of Cronusand might be further tested by beta testers PlayStation in the days to come: the manufacturer should therefore quickly communicate on this.
The PlayStation 5 is available for sale by invitation from €549.99 on Amazon.fr.