PS MP Philippe Tison targeted by a judicial investigation for corruption

This aims to verify whether the former mayor was guilty of influence peddling, corruption and embezzlement of public property in the course of his duties. The Charleroi public prosecutor’s office confirmed to the newspaper the current investigation, opened following a complaint filed by the aldermen Rudy Zanola and Michaël Guyot, both members of a branch of dissident socialists.

Several public contracts are disputed by the plaintiffs and scrutinized by the Charleroi justice, in particular the renovation site of the communal swimming pool, in 2006.

At the time, Philippe Tison had signed a written pact with Francis Guerlement, another elected socialist and architect by profession, for him to renounce an aldermanship also promised to another elected member of the majority. In exchange, Mr. Tison undertook “to have Francis Guerlement appointed as project author for the work to bring the Le Douaire residence into conformity and to extend it; the construction of the offices of the police station in the Anderlues area -Thuin; the surroundings of the communal swimming pool”, according to a letter dated October 9, 2006.

Contacted by the newspaper, the deputy replied that he had “absolutely, absolutely, absolutely nothing” to reproach himself for.

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