PS Elections 2024: A Turning Point for Belgium’s Political Landscape

2023-10-02 13:26:00

The elections of June 9, 2024 will mark a turning point for a whole series of leading representatives. In the PS, above all, the old guard will take a step back and the forties and young fifties who currently occupy various and varied ministerial functions are called upon to play the leading roles. Of course, all this is linked to the electoral score of the party which intends to maintain its first place in Wallonia and to be at the forefront in Brussels. If the latest polls to date are not brilliant for the PS – which still remains first in Wallonia – the electoral path is still long and we know the socialist capacity to mobilize in the home stretch.

For now, the party is putting itself in battle order. The pairs (men and women) who will occupy the heads of the lists will be officially known in December, but at the PS, we are already looking further ahead.

Dermagne, Désir, Morreale and Dermine

Elio Di Rupo (72 years old) who heads the Walloon government and Rudi Vervoort (64 years old), at the head of the Brussels government, will hand over the day following the next election. And if their respective successors were to be socialists, two names stand out insistently. To replace Di Rupo who will certainly occupy the head of the socialist list for the European vote, the name of Pierre-Yves Dermagne (42 years old), current Deputy Prime Minister of Vivaldi is very often cited. A convinced regionalist, he has never hidden too much regarding having left for the federal government because “you can’t refuse it”, but his favorite terrain remains Wallonia. The PS, which states its position a little louder than in the past concern for equality between men and women, might perhaps prefer Christie Morreale (46 years old), Vice-President of the Walloon government whose record is positive. However, it seems that it is in Brussels that a woman might occupy the position of regional minister-president for the first time. Caroline Désir (46 years old) who manages compulsory education is in pole position. Philipe Close (52 years old) would no longer have any chance of succeeding Vervoort and even if some put forward the name of Nawal Ben Hamou (36 years old), Désir seems unavoidable. Dermagne in Wallonia, Désir in Brussels, this is the ideal scenario desired by the leadership of the PS.

And the others ? Thomas Dermine (37), Secretary of State for Recovery, will probably become Deputy Prime Minister in the event of Dermagne’s departure to Élysette. A position that he might keep if the PS still sits at the federal level following the formation of the next government – ​​an exercise that can take time, if we refer to previous elections. However, it will be necessary to take into account the future position of Paul Magnette. Indeed, if he were to occupy the post of Prime Minister, it is difficult to see, in the name of the internal balances of the party, two Carolos occupying the functions of Prime and Vice-Prime. We then talk regarding a big mandate as Walloon Minister of the Economy for Dermine, also a regionalist and who recently made no secret of it, in an interview given to La Libre land 16 Septemberwanting to embody “this different face oriented towards the future for Wallonia”.


In my work, from primary school to university through secondary school, it has always been there. I even went as far as Harvard to write regarding Wallonia.

Recovery plan: “The objective for Belgium is to be among the European leaders at the start of 2024”, announces Thomas Dermine (PS)

This ideal scenario will nevertheless have to be confronted with the reality of government formations which may not be concomitant. However, all scenarios are already being considered and if Magnette were to succeed De Croo, the party presidency would be vacant. It would then be necessary to appoint a temporary worker. And there, the name of Christie Morreale seems to hold the rope. Symbolically, the party would be led by a personality from the province of Liège, where socialists often feel wronged when distributing important positions.

A question of parity

Ludivine Dedonder (46 years old) who manages Defense might still be there, perhaps as Deputy Prime Minister of a Magnette Prime Minister. On the other hand, the future of Christophe Collignon (54 years old) and Frédéric Daerden (53 years old) depends on the number of positions reserved for men since the PS wants parity. As for Ahmed Laaouej (53 years old), his ministerial future seems a little blocked, unless his party wins Finance. It is also not certain that Karine Lalieux (PS) will find a ministerial post. It will also be necessary to bring in some new blood.

All this, as we have written, is only a scenario, so many things can still interfere with it. But some have already received some assurances.

#ideal #ministerial #casting #June #election



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