PS bench will create investigative commission in response to controversy over Cubillos’ salary at the U. San Sebastián

On Tuesday, parliamentarians from the Socialist Party (PS) announced the establishment of an investigative commission following revelations about the substantial salary allegedly received by Marcela Cubillos for classes and research that she purportedly did not conduct.

As reported by El Mostrador, the mayoral candidate for Las Condes held a teaching contract with the Universidad San Sebastián, earning a gross salary of 17 million pesos, an amount reportedly paid even while she was in Spain.

Deputy Juan Santana (PS), a member of the Education Committee, stated, “This institution’s enrollment quadrupled between 2005 and 2023, increasing from 9,000 students to nearly 40,000.” It is hard to ignore the possibility of money laundering here, creating a fund to finance political favors and connections. He added that it is not only necessary for the current candidate for mayor of Las Condes, Marcela Cubillos, to provide explanations, but also for the entire leadership of the USS that is involved with this institution.”

“We are talking about the sitting candidate for Ñuñoa, Sebastián Sichel, the former Minister of National Assets Felipe Ward, and the former Minister of the Interior Andrés Chadwick. This has turned into a pay-off box for the UDI, and it is unacceptable that such high levels of remuneration are being paid to UDI leaders with public funds,” he continued.

Deputy leader of the PS bench, Nelson Venegas, commented that “The state finances this university through CAE revenue, and with that money, right-wing political figures could be funded, including Marcela Cubillos.”

“This situation is very troubling and needs investigation, so as a party we will create an investigative commission to analyze how this is functioning, as we see this institution has become an operational hub for the right,” he emphasized.

Meanwhile, Deputy Jaime Naranjo (PS) remarked that “the most serious aspect of all these revelations is that public opinion clearly demonstrates that the Universidad San Sebastián has transformed into an illicit association that utilizes state resources for political funding. The most alarming part of this is our demand for the Universidad San Sebastián and its rector, Mr. Chadwick, to provide explanations to the country.”

“Chile demands accountability, particularly from the students attending this university. This complicity cannot continue; it must not be ignored any longer. The unethical practices occurring at this university and its top authorities fail to provide any explanations to the country and, worse, to its students,” he added.

In line with this, he stated, “This is why we urge the Universidad San Sebastián to explain itself to the nation, and that is why we will convene and initiate the establishment of an investigative commission within our oversight instruments.”

Finally, Deputy Leonardo Soto (PS) remarked that “the facts revealed in recent days, including the extraordinary salary of former UDI minister Marcela Cubillos, currently the highest academic salary in the world, are indicative of a network or illicit association operating within the Universidad San Sebastián that is awarding salaries unrelated to academic merit or respect for its school community, parents, and guardians of its 40,000 students.”

The inquiry commission announced by the Socialist Party’s group of deputies will prioritize the welfare of those 40,000 students. “Those who are hopeful about the educational opportunities think they are being offered a future that nurtures all their talents and potential, but in reality, they face a management group largely aligned with the UDI, who compensate each other with exorbitant salaries from the students’ and state resources,” he concluded.

Investigative Commission Into Marcela Cubillos’ Salary at Universidad San Sebastián

The Controversy Surrounding Marcela Cubillos

Parliamentarians from the Socialist Party (PS) have initiated an investigative commission in response to the revelation regarding Marcela Cubillos‘s alleged exorbitant salary for potentially unfulfilled teaching duties and research. The reported salary of 17 million pesos raises critical questions about the funding and ethical operations of educational institutions in Chile.

Key Concerns Raised by the Socialist Party

  • Massive Salary Increases: Between 2005 and 2023, Universidad San Sebastián has reportedly quadrupled its enrollment from 9,000 to nearly 40,000 students, prompting concerns about financial allocations.
  • Potential Money Laundering: Deputy Juan Santana expressed concerns regarding potential money laundering, suggesting that funds collected may be directed towards political favors, particularly supporting right-wing politicians.
  • Public Financing: The connection between the state funding of the university through the Centralized Student Loan System (CAE) and the alleged political financing of right-leaning candidates has raised significant eyebrows.

Allegations Against the Universidad San Sebastián

Critics assert that Universidad San Sebastián has devolved into a “pay-off box” for the UDI (Union Democratic Independents), with parliamentarians largely from the socialist faction calling for full transparency regarding the financial dealings of the university.

Key Figures Involved

Name Position Relationship to UDI
Marcela Cubillos Current Candidate for Mayor of Las Condes Former UDI Minister
Sebastián Sichel Current Candidate for Ñuñoa Associated with UDI
Felipe Ward Former Minister of National Assets Associated with UDI
Andrés Chadwick Former Minister of the Interior Associated with UDI

Official Statements and Calls for Investigation

Deputy Nelson Venegas has indicated that the state funds allocated for education are possibly being mismanaged, stating, “The state finances this university through income from the CAE and with that money, right-wing political figures could be financed, such as Marcela Cubillos.” This clarion call echoes sentiments across the political aisle regarding the integrity of public funds.

Demands for Accountability

  • Demands for Explanations: PS parliamentarians assert that Universidad San Sebastián has transformed into an “illicit association,” leveraging state resources to finance political agendas.
  • Public Trust: There’s a strong demand from various student bodies and the general public for the university’s administration, particularly UDI-affiliated leaders, to take accountability and clarify the handling of public funds.

Perceptions of the University

Despite its substantial enrollment, the recent events have tarnished the image of Universidad San Sebastián. Deputy Jaime Naranjo stated, “Chile demands an explanation, especially from the students who attend this university. This complicit silence cannot continue.” There’s a critical focus on the impact of these allegations on the university’s student body, numbering approximately 40,000.

Implications for the Student Body

Representatives from the PS have emphasized their commitment to defending the interests of the 40,000 students enrolled at the Universidad San Sebastián. The essence of education must seemingly remain focused on academic merit rather than political affiliations or substantial salary contracts devoid of just cause.

Key Statements from the PS Leadership

  • Deputy Leonardo Soto stressed the need to uncover the networks that possibly link hefty salaries with political connections.
  • Soto’s assertion that “the commission of inquiry announced will focus on the defense of those students” underscores a protective stance regarding the right to a fair educational atmosphere, devoid of potential financial exploitation.

Benefits of Uncovering Misuse of Resources

Understanding and rectifying the misuse of public funds in institutions like Universidad San Sebastián can yield multiple benefits:

  • Enhanced Accountability: A well-documented investigation will ensure responsible use of educational resources.
  • Quality of Education: Removing the financial mismanagement can improve the quality of education offered, ensuring that students receive value for their tuition.
  • Restored Public Trust: Transparency within educational institutions will help regain public confidence, attracting more students and improving reputations.

Practical Tips for Students and Stakeholders

In light of the current turmoil surrounding Universidad San Sebastián, students and stakeholders should consider the following:

  1. Stay Informed: Follow updates regarding the commission’s findings and any official statements made by the university.
  2. Engage with Governance: Participate in student council meetings and express concerns or seek clarification from university officials.
  3. Voice Opinions: Make use of platforms available for students to voice their opinions and suggestions on the university’s future directions.


As the investigation unfolds, the focus remains on ensuring that academic institutions deliver on their promise of education, devoid of political manipulation. This commission serves not only as a call for accountability but also as a beacon for defending the integrity of Chile’s educational landscape.



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