Prudence is the queen of virtues – 2024-07-25 09:06:12

“The virtue of prudence is the one that governs all values,” said Guillermo Mazariegos García, director of Orientation at the Kinal Foundation, when discussing this topic with students from the Casa Central, as part of Prensa Libre’s Youth with Values ​​project.

The wealth of his experience as a teacher, researcher, analyst and master in the educational field aroused great interest as he explained with examples, reflections and recommendations on prudence and values ​​in general.

Mazariegos reflected on the importance of preventing risky situations, citing examples such as not contacting strangers on social networks, and the importance of parents being more attentive and interested in what their children do.

We must all develop the virtue of prudence, as it allows us to have the ability to discern and know how to respond in a given situation; it allows us to think and meditate before acting, and this helps us grow as people, he said.

The educator also reflected with the students on values ​​in general and the current life of young people: Do you think that the networks manipulate us? What can we do to achieve change? Why is life worth living?

For example, Andrea Araceli Pixabaj Acosta, from 3rd grade, said that social networks do influence our way of thinking and our daily routine and take up our time. However, we should not demonize them because they also have positive aspects when we know how to take advantage of them.

Second grade students Sofía González and Madelin González Velásquez also interacted with a positive outlook, as did Lucía Flores Pérez, from 3rd grade.

Guillermo Mazariegos gave a series of valuable recommendations for living values ​​and ended by emphasizing the importance of thinking about others.

We invite you to watch the video and answer the questions.

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Youth with Values ​​is a project of Prensa Libre with the support of Banco Industrial. Download the worksheet on prudence and wait for more videos on other values ​​with the participation of students and specialists on Prensa Libre’s networks.

#Prudence #queen #virtues



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