Providing Ministerial Candidates by Bringing in Foreign Experts is considered ineffective

President-elect Prabowo Subianto receives flowers from the Golkar Party faction (ANTARA FOTO/Dhemas Reviyanto)

ACADEMICIST from Jakarta State University (UNJ) Ubedilah Badrun assessed that the provision of Prabowo’s cabinet ministerial candidates, which included bringing in foreign experts, was ineffective.

“Political experts, conglomerates, economists and media experts brought from abroad in the supply of ministerial candidates is a good tradition, or it can be, but it is very ineffective. It means it will not solve the problem,” said Ubedilah when contacted, Wednesday ( 16/10).

Because what is meant by an effective cabinet is achieving the vision conveyed by the President and achieving the state’s goals as stated in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution. According to him, this goal is very difficult to achieve if the head content is added.

Ubedilah stated that this nation’s problems are very complex and systemic, inherited from the Jokowi government. The main problem with such a complex problem is the integrity of state administrators, not the political knowledge, economic knowledge and knowledge of the media of state administrators.

“So it’s not knowledge problem but integrity problem. “Prabowo Subiyanto’s homework is to present good governance and clean government, so we need people with integrity to make that happen,” he explained.

“Don’t take the wrong medicine. If you use the wrong medicine, it’s dangerous. It’s like this nation has an acute stomach ache but is given the medicine Bodrex. Of course it won’t heal. Moreover, the pain gets worse because the cabinet is restless,” concluded Ubedilah. (Ata/M-4)

#Providing #Ministerial #Candidates #Bringing #Foreign #Experts #considered #ineffective



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