Proven to Have Inflated Votes, Three Election Organizers Fired by DKPP

Election Organizer Honorary Council (DKPP) (MI/Usman Iskandar)

THE Election Organizer Honorary Council (DKPP) dismissed three election organizers after being proven to have violated the election organizer code of ethics (KEPP) in the verdict reading hearing on Monday (2/9). One of the three election organizers who was given the permanent dismissal sanction was a member of the Bandar Lampung City KPU, Fery Triatmojo.

In its consideration, the DKPP explained that Fery had received Rp530 million from a legislative candidate for the Bandar Lampung City DPRD. The goal was to add three thousand votes for the legislative candidate so that he could win the 2024 Bandar Lampung City DPRD Legislative Election contest.

“Imposing a permanent dismissal sanction on the defendant Fery Triatmojo as a member of the Bandar Lampung City KPU starting from the time this decision is read,” said DKPP Assembly Chairman Heddy Lugito in the DKPP Office courtroom, Jakarta.

The DKPP assessed that Fery was unable to maintain personal integrity, independence, social order, and honor as an election organizer. In addition to Fery, similar sanctions were also imposed by the DKPP on members of the Asmat Regency KPU, Maikel Takanyuai, and members of the Mamberamo Tengah Regency Bawaslu, Iwan Tabuni.

Maikel, who was previously sentenced to 10 months in prison and a fine of IDR 5 million by the Merauke District Court on June 5, was proven to have changed the vote tally of the Asmat Regency DPRD.

Meanwhile, Iwan has been proven not to have fulfilled the minimum five-year gap requirement since resigning from the political party when registering as a Bawaslu member. His actions are not in accordance with Article 117 paragraph (1) letter i of Law Number 7/2017 concerning Elections. (P-5)

#Proven #Inflated #Votes #Election #Organizers #Fired #DKPP



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