Protests in Jujuy: protesters attacked the Legislature and confronted the Police for the Constitutional reform

2023-06-20 21:20:00

He governor Gerardo Morales approved the constitutional reform of Jujuy in the Legislature, while serious incidents between the Police and protesters occurred in the vicinity of the building. In this sense, the protesters threw stones, set fire and destroyed some vehicles, while others were turned around to be used as a barricade. Added to this, a group managed to enter the offices of the Legislature and cause a fire source that was quickly controlled by firefighters and police personnel.

Minutes prior to the declaration of the new Constitution, supporters of Milagro Sala, militants of the Polo Obrero and members of other social organizations attacked the Legislature and confronted the police amid a hail of rubber bullets, pepper spray, stones, sticks and even fallen fences. Simultaneously, Morales sworn in front of parliament and in less than a minute approved the reform.

From 11:30 and before the knowledge of what was declared by the provincial president indoors, the protesters decided to force their way into the Legislature and even set it on fire. In this regard, hours after the event, Morales shared images of how the public building was left after the attack by the protesters.

After the protests in Jujuy, Gerardo Morales eliminated two articles of the new Constitution

“Tell me, do you think it is democratic to break into public buildings? Burn cars? Try to set fire to the Jujuy Legislature?“, wrote through his Twitter account the head of the UCR, in a message in which he responded to President Alberto Fernández, who accused him of being” the only one responsible for having led our beloved province of Jujuy to this situation limit”.

Alejandro Nieva, president of the Constitution Drafting Commission, announced that the protesters arrived at the Legislature and demolished the security barriers that had been installed in the morning. “They are Kirchner groups, they even came from other provinces, to generate this chaos that is taking place here.“, accurate.

The attackers also vandalized the windows of nearby stores and attacked police officers and professionals who were covering the facts. An hour after the incidents began, the provincial Mounted Police intervened.

As reported telamthe incidents caused a balance of more than 40 injuredone seriously due to head trauma, and some 17 detainees. So far there are two cars on fire. “We can’t take it anymore,” said one of the protesters. Television media showed the terrible moment in which one of the protesters received a can of pepper spray to his head and was seriously injured: “The cut exceeded the bone. He is alive but very sore,” reported a comrade. There are at least 30 police officers injured.

In this sense, Pablo Jure, head of SAME Jujuy, said this afternoon that they were attending “between 50 and 70 patients”, most of them with injuries as a result of “stones and rubber bullets.” “So far, only one of the injured is considered more serious, with head trauma,” explained the doctor. In addition, he specified that the affected people were referred to the Pablo Soria and San Roque hospitals, in addition to the North Specialty Center.

Regarding the detainees, human rights lawyers specified to telam that the majority were transferred to penal units 3 and 7 of the Alto Comedero neighborhood, in the southern access to the Jujuy capital, under the covers “attack and resistance to authority”, “damage to property for public use” y “attack and resistance to authority in the degree of attempt” by order of prosecutor Walter Rondón.

Gerardo Morales reformed the Constitution that limits the right to protest in Jujuy

Meanwhile, in a context of mobilization by the native communities, they maintain a cutting of national route 9 at the height of Purmamarca, north of Jujuy. Added to this, around 2:00 p.m., protesters also attacked the Canal 7 and Radio Visión building in Jujuy, with the breaking of glass while workers performed their duties. After the incidents, a police cordon guarded the building.

On the other hand, in the City of Buenos Aires there were protests in front of the house in Jujuy. In this sense, protesters from social and left-wing organizations threw eggs and violently hit the metal shutter. In addition, they painted against the governor, whom they described as a “dictator”.

The reaction of Morales and the opposition arch on social networks

Through his personal Twitter account, Gerardo Morales he pointed: “I hold the president @alferdez and the vice president @CFKArgentina responsible for the extreme violence that is being experienced in the province of Jujuy. The violent are not going to twist our arms. After 40 years of democracy, I repudiate and call on all Argentines to repudiate what Kirchnerism and the Left Front are doing in Jujuy”.

For his part, the presidential candidate Horacio Rodriguez Larreta public: “What is happening in Jujuy is an example of what Kirchnerism is capable of resisting change. Hand in hand with Milagro Sala they went out to break the entire Provincial Legislature where a constitutional reform decided by the people through their representatives was being approved We are going to find this type of anti-democratic violence from December 10 when we begin to transform the lives of Argentines forever, and we are going to bank just like @GerardoMorales is doing with the Constitution and the law as flags, We are not going to let anyone want to wear the change that we Argentines are going to decide. All my support for Gerardo and all the good people of Jujuy who want to live better”.

Quoting the Tweet posted by Gerardo Morales, Mary Eugenia Vidal added: “They are the same ones who threw 14 tons of stone against Congress, those with mortar, those who cut off routes and avenues without leaving a lane for workers and ambulances, who today in Jujuy set fire to the Legislature. They are the Sena, the Milagro Sala , the Grabois. Those who remain silent in front of Cecilia’s mother. Neither today in Jujuy, nor in Argentina after December 10, they will be able to fight democracy. We are not going to give in.”

What does the constitutional reform say in Jujuy

The Constituent Assembly of Jujuy swore the partial reform of the provincial Magna Carta, promoted by the government of Gerardo Morales. The same prohibits blocking roads and streets, as well as the occupation of public buildings.

The main questioning of the residents of Jujuy is the modification of two articles that sanction and restrict social protest. In turn, one of them drives the expedited eviction whose do not have property title.

This panorama in the province generated, for days, various protests against the reform and the policies of Gerardo Morales.


#Protests #Jujuy #protesters #attacked #Legislature #confronted #Police #Constitutional #reform

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