Protests grow in Peru against the government of Dina Boluarte

Las protests once morest the government of Dina Boluarte in Peru spread today to 10 of the 25 regions of the countrywith blockades and marches, on a day in which Lima was also the scene of a mobilization, while the death toll since December exceeded 40 people following a death was registered in Cusco and another in Juliaca, where on Monday the harder crashes.

A conglomerate of social groups, trade unions, and left-wing parties called for a march in Lima with the slogan “Not one more death, down with the civic-military, racist, and class-oriented dictatorship.”

Las protests, calling for the departure of Boluarte, early elections and the closure of Congressare concentrated in Tacna, Moquegua, Puno, Cusco, Abancay, Apurímac, Arequipa, Madre de Dios, Huancavelica and San Martín, according to the Superintendence of Land Transportation.

The The Ombudsman of Peru announced on Wednesday night the death of Remo Candia Guevarapresident of the Anansaya Urinsaya Ccollana de Anta peasant community, located in Cusco, in the southeast of the country, amid clashes with the security forces in that city.

The AThe international airport of the city, a mecca of world tourism for Machu Picchu, suspended its operations indefinitely in preventing attacks by protesters.

The air terminal is guarded by police and military and is the second most used in Peru. Flights between Lima and Cusco add up to almost a hundred every week.

“We demand an immediate investigation to find those responsible for the death and proceed to the respective sanction. Our commissioners are on alert in mobilization zones in regions of the country,” the Ombudsman’s Office said regarding the death of Candia Guevara, quoted by the Europa Press news agency.

The agency also reported more than 50 injuries, including 19 police officers.

What triggered the violence

Peru has experienced a wave of protests since December 7, when Boluarte succeeded President Pedro Castillo, who was ousted by Congress hours following he announced the closure of Congress and the establishment of an emergency government with the suppression of constitutional guarantees.

The clashes registered in the framework of the demonstrations, which stopped during the year-end festivities, left more than 40 dead.

In the country there is a delegation of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) that is evaluating the situation in the country.

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