Protecting Your Health: Navigating Flu and Covid Season in Tatarstan

2023-12-07 05:30:24

The flu is transmitted by airborne droplets, so one sick employee in the office immediately turns into a time bomb. Tatarstan also felt this. Over the past two weeks, the number of sick people has increased significantly.

— During the cold season, there is always an increase in incidence. We must understand that there are not only ARVI, Covid and influenza, but also other viruses. These include parainfluenza, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial, and rhinovirus infections. We are registering them all now,” explained the chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health of Tatarstan Khalit Khaertynov.

According to the interlocutor, it is difficult to identify the dominant one from all the viruses that attack the body of Tatarstan residents, since tests are done only in hospitals. So let’s go through the most popular ones.

The flu begins its active activity with the arrival of cold weather. Long-term practice shows that the most dangerous months are December, January and February.

— We note a seasonal rise in influenza every year. The exception was the period from 2020 to 2021. Then we had coronavirus,” recalled Khalit Khaertynov. — There is no flu epidemic yet.

Let us remember that at the end of last year and at the beginning of this year, swine flu raged in the republic. In the new season, the re-arrival of H1N1/2009 A is not excluded, says Khalit Khaertynov. Although it is still difficult to say which flu strain will dominate this epidemic season. There are three types of the disease: A, B and C.

— Potentially, it will be possible to develop either influenza A or influenza B. Influenza A has a variant called swine flu. Group B, for example, has the Victoria strain,” the chief infectious disease specialist predicted.

Last week, Rospotrebnadzor recorded 81 cases of influenza. Last year there were only seven cases during the same period. Influenza disease now accounts for one fourth of the overall structure of acute respiratory viral infections.

“We shouldn’t forget the new coronavirus infection either,” says the interlocutor. — People still get sick from Covid, but it is mild. Mostly older people are hospitalized.

Particularly “lucky” Tatarstan residents may catch a combo of influenza and Covid. Under certain circumstances, pathogens of a wide variety of colds can coexist in a person. The main thing is that they are from different families. That is, you cannot get coronavirus and ARVI at the same time.

According to the chief infectious disease specialist, such a double disease is difficult. Often people are brought to hospitals.

Vaccination might protect once morest viruses, but it is too late to do it. It takes 14 days to develop immunity, which is no longer available today, because the flu season is getting closer.

So how can you save your health? Of course, you won’t be able to lie down “in a den” for the entire period of the epidemic season—you have to work. However, you can practice good hygiene. Masks, which have been an integral part of our lives for two years, hand washing, antiseptics – all this can help prevent the virus from entering the body. Do not neglect ventilation of the room. It needs to be done 5-6 times a day.

Khalit Khaertynov also advises Tatarstan residents not to forget that if a person has had the flu once, this does not exclude re-infection. Therefore, you can only go to work if you are sure that you are completely healthy.

Read also: The number of coronavirus cases is growing in Tatarstan, but the number of Covid beds is being reduced

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