Protecting Your Health During Winter: Department of Disease Control Warns of 4 Diseases and Health Hazards

2023-11-20 06:41:01

The Department of Disease Control warns people to be careful of their health and reduce the risk of 4 diseases and health hazards that come with “winter” in order to protect themselves from illness and death.

Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Remind people to be careful and maintain their health during the winter. The weather changes frequently. In some areas, the morning is extremely cold. In the late followingnoon, it becomes hot and sunny. Including toxic dust and smoke, PM 2.5, which often returns to peak during the winter as well.

For diseases and health hazards during winter that require special caution, divided into 3 disease groups and 2 health threats as follows:

1. Respiratory diseases

Influenza Most of the patients are young children to older children. Those who died were often elderly people aged 65 years and above who contracted the disease through coughing and sneezing and gathering in groups in crowded places such as schools.

How to prevent it: Take care of your health. Avoid contact with people who have flu-like symptoms.

Pneumonia It is transmitted from coughing, sneezing, or breathing together. It can be severe in young children under 2 years of age.

Prevention: Avoid crowded places. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Drink lots of water.

2. Gastrointestinal and water-borne diseases

acute diarrhea It is transmitted by eating food and water that contains the virus.

Prevention: Take care of hygiene, food and water, eat freshly cooked food. and wash your hands frequently

3. Communicable diseases during winter

measles Contact from coughing, sneezing, and talking in close proximity to sick people.

Prevention: Can be prevented by getting a preventative vaccine.

“Winter” health threats include:

1. Cold weather related deaths It often occurs among the elderly, homeless people, people with chronic diseases, and people who drink alcohol to relieve the cold.

2. Asphyxia and inhalation of toxic gases From the device that adds warmth to the body from a gas water heater. Most houses or resorts often use gas water heaters. They should be inspected to meet standards and be safe before use.

Information from: Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health

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