Protecting Women in Conflict, Presidential Regulation on Maintaining Interfaith Harmony to be Ratified Soon

Police forcibly disperse residents of Air Bangis Village, Sungai Beremas District, West Pasaman, at the West Sumatra Grand Mosque, Saturday (5/8/2024) (MI/YOSE HENDRA)

The draft Presidential Regulation (Raperpres) concerning the Maintenance of Interfaith Harmony (KUB) has received a letter of approval for harmonization from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Head of the Center for Interfaith Harmony, Muhammad, Ministry of Religion, Adib Abdushomad said that after harmonization, the draft Presidential Regulation will be submitted to the President to be ratified as a Presidential Regulation.

“The Minister of Religion will submit a letter to the President for the determination or ratification of the RPP on Maintaining Interfaith Harmony to become a Presidential Regulation (Perpres),” said Adib as reported on Sunday (25/8).

Adin added that the Raperpres will also provide space for FKUB in the function of strengthening institutions. The HAM is marked by the existence of the National FKUB draft.

“In several articles, for example, Articles 20 and 30 allow for the need for derivative regulations. In addition, the Regulation of the Minister of Religion (PMA) which will later provide space for synergy between the Ministry of Religion and FKUB,” he said.

Acting Head of the Legal and Foreign Cooperation Bureau Imam Syaukani on the same occasion explained that after being determined by the President, the Ministry of Religion will then prepare derivative provisions of the Presidential Decree in the form of a Minister of Religion Regulation (PMA).

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“The Ministry of Religion will immediately process or draft the Ministerial Regulation, so that once this Presidential Regulation is stipulated by the President, this regulation can be formed and also implemented as a complement to the Presidential Regulation,” he said.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Anna Hasbie explained that the drafting of the Presidential Regulation which has been going on for quite a long time, up to three years, is also believed to provide benefits for women because of the principle of inclusivity. This is because the regulation does not only talk about the role of the government and religious figures in general, but also women.

“This Presidential Decree is truly inclusive. Why? Because it provides enough space for women. So, women are important. We certainly remember that there have always been efforts to mainstream gender. Women’s voices must be heard because they have special needs, for example in terms of conflict prevention,” he said.

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According to Anna, when a conflict occurs, women often become indirect victims. Therefore, they also think that society should participate in protecting women’s rights. “So, they have an idea of ​​how society can fulfill the rights of women and children because they are usually neglected,” she said.

In addition, Anna said that the Presidential Regulation on KUB Maintenance that is currently being finalized is a step forward when talking about harmony and also providing space for women’s empowerment. In other words, the management of FKUB in the regions that will involve women deserves to be appreciated.

“That is very important because people have always assumed that religious matters are always about patriarchy. But that is not the case. Well, over time we see that women have special roles and needs. And that must be answered by regulations,” he explained.

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Furthermore, Anna said, various regulations that are drawn up should also come from women themselves. With the presence of women in FKUB, it will be good news.

In addition, the presence of women in the FKUB management could be a treatment separate for the harmony program. Because, women are indeed multitasking, aka can do everything. They also often have thoughts that out of the box.

“This world is often said to be shaped by men’s thinking. When women enter, there will be other perspectives. Well, when there are various perspectives, all problems can be seen holistically. The solution can finally be out of the box,” he said.

Therefore, Anna agrees that providing open space for women should not be interpreted because of the female factor. However, more on their capabilities. She does not mind if the initial stage of her affirmation is only pursuing quotas.

“It’s okay. It was initially affirmed. But, over time they will be selected by themselves. Eventually people will get used to continuing to be active in self-development, upgrading, and updating,” he concluded. (H-2)

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