Protecting Seniors: Exposing the Crimes of Christel, the Serial Scammer Targeting Elderly Men

2023-07-24 15:37:00

Christel, 39, a drug addict from Liège received a 100-hour work sentence for committing thefts and scams, two of whose victims are men over the age of eighty! She managed to coax an 82-year-old man from Herstal. The man trusted him. In August 2021, she managed to get him to install a bank payment app on his smartphone. She helped him configure it and took the opportunity to get the secret code of the victim’s card. She then made several transfers to her own account for a total of 756 euros. In addition, she had made a standing order for 500 euros to be debited from the victim’s account to the credit of his bank account.

Fortunately, the facts were quickly discovered. She still managed to get paid a total of 1,256 euros at the expense of the octogenarian. The latter totally denied agreeing to pay sums to Christel. The suspect was identified by an acquaintance of the victim. The octogenarian is an elderly, isolated and vulnerable man, as the court recalled. The suspect might not be heard regarding these facts. During the hearing, she disputed the embezzlement but she actually took care of the victim. She cannot explain the permanent transfer to her benefit. “His denials are not credible,” the court said.

Recognized on Facebook

On November 26, 2021, around 7 a.m., Christel got into a car parked in the parking lot of a gas station. The driver had left the engine running in order to make a purchase. The suspect was filmed at the shop and an image of her was posted by the victim on Facebook. This is how Christel was identified. Heard, the defendant admitted the theft. She warned that she wanted to run away from a man who was bothering her. The magistrate considered that she might have simply entered the shop to call for help.

On February 12, 2022, it was in rue Saint-Léonard that she caused mayhem. She grabbed the wallet of an 86-year-old man he was holding. She took the money, around 150 euros, before coming back to him to return his wallet. She then fled on foot. The victim recognized Christel via the concierge of her building, who showed her photos taken on Facebook. The victim lives in a building on the same street as her. Christel is obviously known in the neighborhood as a source of difficulty. The court considered all the established facts while considering that there had been no violence during the theft of the wallet as argued by the prosecution.

#Liège #steals #defrauds #elderly



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