Protect Your Respiratory System: The Importance of Nose Hair and How ‘Ghost Shaving’ Can Cause Allergies

2023-10-17 08:27:43

Nose hair is very important. It can filter dust, bacteria and allergens in the air. It can be said to be the first line of defense of the respiratory system. This year’s Nobel Prize in Funny Medicine research project was won by a research team from the University of California, Irvine. Their research topic was whether a person has the same amount of hair in both nostrils. It was found that “ghost shaving” can even cause hair loss. It affects the number of nose hairs and makes people more susceptible to allergies.

“Ghost shaving” can also reduce nose hair and cause allergies

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Dermatologist Chen Yucong pointed out that when most people mention nose hair, they may feel it is a bit unhygienic, but nose hair is actually the body’s first line of defense. However, a research team at the University of California, Irvine, noted that most patients with alopecia areata are more likely to suffer from upper respiratory tract infections, allergies, and dryness because the condition also reduces the number of nasal hairs in each nostril.

“Nose hair” is the first line of defense of the respiratory system

Chen Yucong said that no one has actually counted the average number of nasal hairs in each nostril of humans, or evaluated the impact of patients’ lack of nasal hairs. The research team used 20 cadavers from the School of Medicine at the University of California, Irvine, to observe, not only counting each The number of hairs in each nostril, and the length of hair growth at the upper, lateral, and lower nostrils were also measured with a tape measure. It was found that there are an average of 120 to 122 nasal hairs in each nostril, and nose hairs usually grow in the range of 0.81 to 1.35 centimeters.

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Dr. Natasha Atanaskova Mesinkovska from the University of California, Irvine, who was part of the research team, said: “The motivation to study the growth pattern of human nasal hair may seem unusual, but it stems from our need to better understand the role nasal hair plays as the front line of the respiratory system. Function.” If you often feel that your allergies are not getting better, your upper respiratory tract is uncomfortable, or you are even worried regarding baldness in the future, you can take a look at yourself to see if it is caused by the reduction of nose hairs.

◎ Image source/provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock
◎ Data source/Dr. Chen Yucong

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