Prospects of listed insurance companies’ third-quarter results: marginal improvement may become the main theme

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First Financial 2022-10-21 11:31:14

Editor in charge: Zhu Mengyun

The third quarterly reports of A-share listed insurance companies will be disclosed in a centralized manner in late October. Judging from some “forward-looking indicators” released recently, such as premium data, it is already evident that the performance of the third quarter is picking up. In the first three quarters, the premiums of listed insurance companies achieved steady growth. Among them, the premiums of many life insurance companies returned to a positive growth track, and property and casualty insurance companies generally experienced double-digit growth. Industry insiders believe that there are signs of recovery in premium income, which is undoubtedly a boost to the performance of insurance companies in the third quarter.

Prospects of listed insurance companies’ third-quarter results: marginal improvement may become the main theme

The third quarterly reports of A-share listed insurance companies will be disclosed in a centralized manner in late October. Judging from some “forward-looking indicators” released recently, such as premium data, it is already evident that the performance of the third quarter is picking up. In the first three quarters, the premiums of listed insurance companies achieved steady growth. Among them, the premiums of many life insurance companies returned to a positive growth track, and property and casualty insurance companies generally experienced double-digit growth. Industry insiders believe that there are signs of recovery in premium income, which is undoubtedly a boost to the performance of insurance companies in the third quarter.

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