Prosecutors Prosecute Ji Guogang for Suspected Bribery and Abuse of Power by State-Owned Company Staff – Xinhua

2023-09-01 07:06:46

Prosecutors Prosecute Ji Guogang for Suspected Bribery and Abuse of Power by State-Owned Company Staff – Xinhua

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 1. Ji Guogang, former member and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region, was suspected of accepting bribes and abusing power by a member of a state-owned company. The Procuratorate examines the prosecution. Recently, the Chengdu Municipal People’s Procuratorate has filed a public prosecution with the Chengdu Intermediate People’s Court.

During the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorial organ informed the defendant Ji Guogang of his litigation rights according to law, interrogated the defendant Ji Guogang, and listened to the opinions of the defender. Prosecutorial authorities prosecuted and charged: The defendant Ji Guogang used his position as an assistant inspector of the investment department of the former State Development Planning Commission, an assistant inspector and deputy director of the fixed asset investment department of the National Development and Reform Commission, a member of the party group of the People’s Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and a member of the Tibet Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission. The secretary, deputy director, deputy secretary and director of the party group of the committee, the chairman of Tibet Development and Investment Group Co., Ltd., the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region People’s Congress, etc., or the convenience formed by their powers and status, for others Seeking profit, illegally accepting other people’s property, the amount is particularly huge; during the period of concurrently serving as the chairman and legal representative of Tibet Development and Investment Group Co., Ltd., engaging in favoritism, malpractice, and abusing power, resulting in particularly heavy losses to national interests, the crime of accepting bribes and state-owned companies shall be charged according to law. The crime of abuse of power by personnel shall be investigated for criminal responsibility.

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[Responsible editor: Zhao Wenhan]



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