Prosecutor’s investigation into police brutality in Thessaloniki

Prosecutor’s investigation into police brutality in Thessaloniki

According to the reports and videos, police officers entered a health care store, where at that time there were patrons, breaking chairs and tables, while throwing tear gas into the interior.

In these circumstances, the director of the Thessaloniki First Instance Prosecutor’s Office instructed the competent criminal prosecution prosecutor to order the conduct of a preliminary examination to investigate the complainants and possible commission of offences.

According to information, the investigation – which is expected to be carried out by a Magistrate – is directed against police officers and the acts that are being examined, if substantiated, concern, among others, “breach of duty”, “attempted dangerous bodily harm” and “damage to foreign property”.

The tension, according to the Police, was caused when hooded men threw stones and other objects at MAT police officers. Arrests followed in the area around the EKTH and finally two people were arrested and referred to be tried at Autoforo – a 27-year-old man for disturbing the peace, violence against employees, insult and insubordination, while a 21-year-old man for violating the drug law.

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#Prosecutors #investigation #police #brutality #Thessaloniki

Google AdSense ‌approval script

It seems you’re dealing with a script that is responsible for loading various ad and tracking services onto a webpage. The ​script makes extensive⁤ use of `asyncLoadScript` function calls‍ to‍ load ⁤external resources and libraries​ asynchronously for services like Google AdSense, ‌OneSignal, Disqus, CleverCore, Taboola, ⁤and others.

Here’s⁢ a clean-up and outline of ⁢what these segments seem to represent:

1. **AdSense Management**:

-⁤ The first ⁣part ⁣checks for mobile-specific elements and removes the `.adsbygoogle` elements if certain conditions ⁤aren’t met.

– ⁣Later parts verify if any AdSense slots exist and potentially ⁢load scripts or perform ‍actions with them.

2. **Ad Services‌ Initialization**:

‌ – The script⁢ initializes various ad ⁣service configurations:

‍ ‍- **OneSignal**: Initializes a OneSignal service for push notifications with a specific `appId`.

‍ – **Disqus**: Prepares for Disqus​ comments on a page ⁢with a specified identifier, while loading the Disqus script after a delay (using ⁣`setTimeout`).

3. **Asynchronous Script Loading**:

‍ – Several areas⁤ call⁢ `asyncLoadScript`, which is ⁢likely a function defined earlier ​in your code to‍ load scripts⁢ asynchronously.

⁤ – Conditional ⁢checks are made to see if‍ certain elements (like `.adsbygoogle` or `glomex-integration`) exist before loading ‍respective scripts.

4. **Set ‍Timeouts**:

⁢ – There are instances of using `setTimeout` to ensure that scripts or modules are loaded‌ after a ⁤certain delay to manage potential dependency⁣ issues or timing of execution.

5. **Placeholder Comments**:

– Various segments have commented out code ​or incomplete calls suggesting they‌ were intended for other ad services or scripts (like CleverCore, Taboola,⁤ etc.).

Here’s a concise outline ⁣of this ​operation as pseudocode:


if‌ (/* condition for mobile ads */) {

‍ // Remove mobile ⁢ad ⁤elements

‌ document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(…);


// Initialize AdSense slots

const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

if ⁢(adSenseSlots.length) ⁢{

‍ adSenseSlots.forEach(…);


// Initialize ‍OneSignal

window.OneSignalDeferred =‌ window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {

⁤ OneSignal.init({ appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab” });


// Initialize Disqus

var disqus_config = function() {

​ = /* page URL */; = 1556657;


setTimeout(function() {

⁤ ⁢ // Load Disqus script

}, 3000);

// Load ⁤other asynchronous ⁢scripts

asyncLoadScript( /* script source */ );

// Use conditional loading for other integrations

if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {

​ asyncLoadScript( /* AdSense‍ script */ );


if (document.querySelectorAll(‘glomex-integration’).length) {

⁢ setTimeout(function() {

asyncLoadModule( ‍/* Glomex script */ );

}, 2000);


// And more…


### Recommendations:

– Ensure ⁤that you fill in the ⁤actual ‌sources in ⁢the `asyncLoadScript` calls.

– Consider organizing your script‌ for readability, possibly grouping similar functionalities.

– If you⁣ have placeholder comments, try to determine if those segments need actual⁢ implementation or can be⁤ removed if no longer necessary.

-‍ Make sure to‍ handle any potential errors or script loading ​failures for a⁣ smoother user experience.

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