Prosecutor calls the Peace Commissioner a “liar” and assures that he has not received a complaint about drug bribery in “total peace”


Francisco Barbosa assured that Rueda has been summoned twice to the Attorney General’s Office and has not attended to make his statements.


“He has not made any complaint,” said Barbosa, who recalled that the Peace Commissioner has not attended the summons that the investigative entity has made him following, last January, SEMANA revealed the existence of a plan of drug traffickers who would be paying high sums of money to get on the bus of Total Peace.

For the Attorney General, despite the fact that “it is a duty of the public workers comply with the rules when summoned”, the Peace Commissioner has not been present to give his version of these events and now he appears saying that he is aware that a drug trafficker paid 120 million pesos to a lawyer to move his influence and thus be able to enter the peace project of the Petro Government.

“Some written communications, with a fingerprint, fingerprint, a validation of those same communications when lawyers appear on behalf of people who are detained or even fugitives and who express their willingness to be part of Total Peace. After that verification is done, we have some meetings with me and with witnesses, I never do it alone,” Rueda said.

The Commissioner indicated that unscrupulous people would be using the name of Gustavo Petro to search for detainees, extraditables, and drug traffickers and offer them judicial benefits and admission to Total Peace, for which he asked the authorities to investigate this situation. “That peace is not a business, this is a sacred value, that misuse of peace is denying the possibility of the present and future for Colombians,” he said.

However, Rueda never provided the names of the lawyers who would be lending themselves for this or the alleged drug trafficker who paid to enter La Paz Total, according to him, so as not to hinder the case.

Since the end of January, the Attorney General’s Office also opened an investigation once morest Juan Fernando Petro, brother of the President of the Republic, who would have made offers to several people to access benefits.

A sophisticated, dark and millionaire plan threatens the total peace of President Gustavo Petro. WEEK He knew exclusively that some drug traffickers would be paying up to a million dollars to a cartel of lawyers in exchange for being appointed peace managers in order to avoid their extradition to the United States and to be released. The most critical situation is experienced in the prisons of Antioquia and in La Picota, in Bogotá. The scandalous trap has the alarms going off in the Casa de Nariño, the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace and Inpec.

The dirty business began to take shape in the last presidential campaign, when the controversy broke out over the visits to the prisons of Piedad Córdoba and Juan Fernando Petro, brother of today’s president Gustavo Petro. At that time there was talk of a “social forgiveness” that would include corrupt, murderers and drug traffickers. In the case of Córdoba, alleged offers to extraditables not to be sent to the United States if Petro won the elections were denounced. No authority investigated the issue and the candidate removed Córdoba from his team. Since then, a very opportunistic cartel of lawyers has launched the macabre strategy that today is uncovered. WEEK.

Several lawyers consulted by this means testified, under reservation, of what is happening in the prisons where the drug traffickers are confined. “My client was told that with this payment, non-extradition is guaranteed, while, at the same time, it was possible to point to some benefits. The topic came up and was discussed. The information circulated among several lawyers. Some assure that they have audios and chats that confirm the demands for money,” said a lawyer who defends various drug lords.

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