Prosecution of a group of subjects who invite each other to “go storm” on the 1st day of Tet | Law

Illustration (Source: VNA)

On January 28, the Investigative Police Agency of District 10 Police (Ho Chi Minh City) said that it had issued a decision to prosecute the case and prosecute 4 defendants to investigate illegal racing. , causing public disorder, occurred at dawn on January 22 (ie the 1st of the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit, 2023).

In which, the Investigation Agency detained two subjects, including: Vo Ngoc Tho (born in 1997, hometown of Soc Trang) and Vo Thanh Toan (born in 2003, hometown of Thanh Hoa); banned from leaving the residence 2 subjects are Vu Duc Minh Hung (born in 2003, living in District 12) and Quach Phu Khang (born in 2006, living in District 11, Ho Chi Minh City).

Before that, at dawn on January 22, the anti-racing team of the Road and Railway Traffic Police Department – PC08, Ho Chi Minh City Police learned that there was a group of people gathering to race cars. unauthorized, planned”storm” right after New Year’s Eve.

After making a plan to prevent, the working group discovered that a group of about 100 motorbikes gathered near the area of ​​Bau Cat market (Tan Binh district). The whole convoy moved together, increased the gas, and moved from the direction of Ly Thuong Kiet Street to District 10. When the convoy turned left onto Bac Hai Street, some subjects in the group continued to act. shouting, driving the car to hit the hammock, swerve, make noise.

[Thái Nguyên: Khởi tố “ông già Noel” bốc đầu xe máy trên cao tốc]

The working group coordinated with the District 10 Police to organize a blockade at the intersection of Ly Thuong Kiet – Bac Hai and Thanh Thai – Bac Hai, locking the above road to conduct a siege. Seeing the police force, the subjects increased the gas, fled in chaos in many directions and different routes. Working Groups of PC08 and District 10 Police 33 subjects and 21 related vehicles were retained and brought to the office.

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Through investigation, the police determined that Tho, Toan, Hung and Khang were the four subjects who actively participated in the above-mentioned activities of causing public disorder. Currently, the Police Investigation Agency of District 10 is continuing to coordinate with relevant professional units to investigate and handle the remaining subjects in accordance with the law.

According to the General Department, Ho Chi Minh City Police, in 7 days of Tet, the city recorded 37 crimes of social order; in which discovered 31/37 cases, arrested 72 subjects. Regarding traffic safety, there were 11 accidents in Ho Chi Minh City, killing 2 people and injuring 9 people (compared to the same period of the year of the Tiger Lunar New Year 2022, 14 cases were reduced, 8 deaths were reduced, and 10 people were injured). ./.

Thanh Chung (VNA/Vietnam+)

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