Propolis helps kidney failure patients live better?

2024-07-21 22:00:00

Home> News> Can kidney failure patients live better by taking propolis? Written on July 22, 2024 at 12:00 pm Propolis, a hive product with many properties

Kidney failure is a subtly progressive pathology with no specific symptoms. In France, nearly 3 million people have been affected to varying degrees, affecting their quality of life. However, the latter can improve naturally thanks to propolis products.

Our kidneys filter approximately 180 liters of blood every day. Although each one weighs only an average of 140 grams (the liver weighs 1.5 kilograms), without their work we wouldn’t be able to survive. Their decline is often age-related, but can also be caused by infection, diabetes, or high blood pressure. Decreased kidney function is often found when measuring urea or creatinine in the blood, and is confirmed by other signs such as severe fatigue and persistent loss of appetite.

Either improve the quality of life, or have nothing.

Containing more than 300 active compounds (such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, terpenes, stilbene, etc.), propolis is a natural product that is always amazing, especially for its antioxidant properties. A recent small study from Iran examined its effects on kidney function, oxidative stress, blood pressure and quality of life in 35 patients with moderate renal failure.

The intervention consisted of half of the group taking standardized 125 mg capsules of poplar palm propolis extract twice daily for 12 weeks, and the other group taking a placebo. Ultimately, there were no significant differences between the two groups on objective biological criteria such as blood pressure, creatinine levels, glycated hemoglobin, glucose, insulin, or proteinuria.

However, the KDQOL-SF questionnaire (for Kidney disease quality of life summary table) was used to assess quality of life and showed benefit in the group receiving propolis. It demonstrates significant improvements in symptoms and problems associated with kidney failure, overall health, and perceptions of physical abilities.

Read also Propolis: antibacterial and antiviral, but above all anti-inflammatory

Prevention, again and again

The study authors noted that hyperglycemia, a prediabetic state that itself precedes metabolic syndrome, is the primary cause of worsening kidney function. Therefore, controlling blood sugar levels, especially through proper diet and lifestyle, can often prevent the onset and progression of kidney failure.

As for propolis, all its secrets have not yet been revealed; if the relatively low doses in this trial did not produce any significant physiological effects, then in other trials higher doses (1000 to 1500 mg per day for 2 to 3 months) can significantly reduce postprandial blood sugar, insulin resistance and glycated hemoglobin. The study authors also noted that propolis also had a positive impact on quality of life in patients receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer, but had no effect on another group of women with polyarthritis…

Also read to know how to maintain strong kidneys


Under no circumstances is the information and advice provided on the Alternative Santé website a substitute for consultation or diagnosis with a physician or health professional, who is the only person who can adequately evaluate your medical condition.

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