Property owners along the Kävlingeån were affected when Sydvatten was forced to open sluice gates

The flooding around Kävlingeån worsened rapidly on Thursday when Sydvatten was forced to open the sluice gates in Vombsjön. It was an urgent measure as the water in Lake Vombsjön rose by a centimeter an hour and dikes and dams were at risk of bursting.

– Eslöv and other municipalities along the Kävlingeån were given no warning that the water would rise so quickly and therefore had no opportunity to warn the public. According to Sydvatten, however, the outflow from Vombsjön has currently stabilized and will not worsen further that way, says municipal director Eva Hallberg.

According to SMHI, it should start raining once more at lunchtime today, Friday. During the followingnoon and night, 19 millimeters of rain is expected over the municipality of Eslöv.

SMHI has issued a red warning regarding Kävlingeån.

Gårdstånga and Örtofta worst affected

The worst hit in our municipality is currently the area around Gårdstånga and Örtofta along the Kävlingeån. In the municipality of Eslöv, around 50 properties are at risk of being affected by the floods.

When visiting the area, the municipality’s staff found that some properties on Friday morning had regarding a decimeter of water in the crawl space. And more are at risk of being affected.

– The worry and frustration is of course great. We at Eslöv municipality wish we might do more regarding the situation, but we too were taken to bed when Sydvatten decided to open the floodgates in Vombsjön. says Eva Hallberg.

The municipality has frequent contacts with authorities

The municipality of Eslöv has frequent contacts with other affected municipalities and with the County Administrative Board, Sydvatten, the Rescue Service and other government authorities.

– We have reconciliations with all the authorities involved several times a day. We take this very seriously and suffer with all those affected, says municipal director Eva Hallberg.

Extremely difficult for all affected

It is an extremely difficult situation for all affected property owners. The analysis is that there is not much that the municipality, VA SYD or the Rescue Service can do at the moment. The water has not been higher in 50 years. It is not possible to dam the entire Kävlingeån.

Property owners are asked to document any damage and contact their insurance company.

For property owners, more information is available at

The water sinks at Ringsjön

For the 30 or so properties at Ringsjön that have been affected by floods in the past, the situation looks a little brighter as the water has started to recede.

– We have direct contact with the victims at Ringsjöbaden, mainly through the chairman of the association. Among other things, we have opened temporary toilets and given them the opportunity to shower in the sports hall in Stehag. It is a relief for everyone that the water does not continue to rise there right now, says Eva Hallberg.

Snow melting and heavy rains

According to SMHI, it is the snowmelt in combination with heavy rains that cause the floods.

SMHI urges caution and warns that it can be dangerous to move in the flooded areas. The water currents can be strong and there is a risk of landslides in connection with waterways and lakes.
The red warning for high water flows applies until further notice, and it is therefore not known at the moment when it can be lifted.


Read more on Sydvatten’s website

Read more on the VA SYDS website

Follow the weather situation on the SMHI website

No effective measures to stop flooding

Highest water level in Ringsjön in 50 years

Flood victims have access to showers in Stehag’s sports hall



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