Promoting Mental Health: Balancing Professional Support and Leisure Activities for Well-being

2023-09-10 19:56:05

In addition to professional support, it is important to have leisure spaces, practice a sport, have contact with animals and nature and distract the mind from the work and academic space that can often be mind-numbing.

September 11, 2023 (EPICRISIS); – To maintain social well-being, it is important to focus on the mental and physical health of each of the people who make up a community, since the stability of all these areas drives them to contribute to collective well-being.

However, some of the elements present in the daily life of contemporary society promote certain negative actions and attitudes, such as social isolation, which predispose people to focus on appearances, generating conditions of premature anxiety and depression.

For María Paula Villalba Cuadrado, director of the Center at Versania Psicosocial, there are different actors that are key factors in promoting mental health, mainly in young people. The family, the school environment, social networks, peers, among others, have a positive or negative impact throughout the life course as it can reduce or increase the probability of the appearance of mental disorders in biologically susceptible people.

«Mental disorders have a great impact on the vital development of young people, an unidentified mental disorder can put a pause on the individualization and growth of the adolescent. Additionally, due to fear of stigma in the social environment, prevention of mental health treatments may occur. Serious mental illnesses can also impact the mental health of the environment.” Villalba complemented.

This is how factors such as the inappropriate use of information and communication technologies, bullying, abuse of psychoactive substances and unattainable ideals of well-being and beauty can lead to depression, anxiety, behavioral disorders, substance use and, in extreme cases, leading to suicide.

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In the digital age, there are different support tools, such as applications and pages, that alleviate suffering and motivate people to receive timely help when faced with warning signs of mental health problems. However, these tools do not replace support groups or formal “face-to-face” care; you must have a support network that provides sensitive psychoeducation.

In addition to professional support, it is important to have leisure spaces, practice a sport, have contact with animals and nature and distract the mind from the work and academic space that can often be mind-numbing.

#Youth #mental #health #digital #age

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